
In December 2019, a novel coronavirus strain (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in the city of Wuhan, China. This space seeks to monitor the spread of the disease COVID-19, declared a pandemic by the WHO.

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COVID-19 "Don't Go Crazy" list

covid19, resources, fun, useful, coronavirus, quarantine, movies, shows, games, arts and crafts, learning, books, podcasts, tips, music, art, mental health

List of Things To Do and Resources To Stay Sane While Quarantined During COVID-19

FAQs on Protecting Yourself from Aerosol Transmission

coronavirus, guide, masks, healthcare, coronavirus masks, airborne precautions, N95

The goal of these FAQs is to provide information to the general public in an efficient manner about how to prevent aerosol transmission of COVID-19, with the hope that this will allow more informed decision making by individuals or organizations. It includes info about face masks and prevention of the infection. Face coverings (such as N95) can be useful for disease control alongside social distancing. Wearing face covering can help if you have coronavirus symptoms (such as coughs or sneezes) and is always better than no face mask. Other topics include: is coronavirus airborne, are covid masks safe, droplet precautions, airborne precautions, coronavirus masks, different types of close contact. These FAQs should always be similar or more stringent than information provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and most regional & local health authorities.


coronavirus, data, aerosol transmission

The propagation of COVID-19 by aerosol transmission ONLY. The model is based on a standard model of aerosol disease transmission, the Wells-Riley model. It is calibrated to COVID-19 per recent literature on quanta emission rate

Why so many Americans are refusing to get vaccinated

coronavirus, vaccines, healthcare, science

A list of 45 reasons why people aren't getting vaccinated by @VaccineTruth2. This is not trying to convince you that they are right; just sharing why they feel the way they do. If the conclusions are wrong, please let us know.

Vaccine hesitancy

coronavirus, vaccines, science, healthcare, risk

A spreadsheet to try to explain why various antivaxx excuses don't make sense and to try to provide information for those who are worried/hesitant - with references.


coronavirus, HMGB1, COVID-19 inflammation, therapeutics, covid symptoms, sexual dimorphism, inflammaging, mechanical ventilation, covid blood clotting

Unusual symptoms of covid-19 and a possible explanation for them all.

ZCC DIY Air Cleaner Buying List

coronavirus, DIY, air filter, aerosol

Tired of waiting for governments, schools & workplaces to do their job & make the air indoors safer to breathe? Make your own Air Cleaner! Here's Engineer @smbilodeau's list of material & where to buy them.

Public COVID-19 Data Table: Lower Tier Regional Breakdown

coronavirus, data, lockdown, lockdown status, regions, UK

Coronavirus trends statuses in UK regions: new cases, deaths and lockdown statuses

Filtration performance of common household materials for manufacturing homemade masks

coronavirus, masks, data

This spreadsheet shows the filtration performance of medical and non-medical materials. The filtration performance generally includes two aspects: filtration efficiency and pressure drop;


coronavirus, risk, masks, statistics, data

A spreadsheet to roughly calculate risk of covid-19 infection depending on the situation. If you want to put numbers to some of it, this calculator can help!