N95 - 🟧Heystack
FAQs on Protecting Yourself from Aerosol Transmission
coronavirus, guide, masks, healthcare, coronavirus masks, airborne precautions, N95
The goal of these FAQs is to provide information to the general public in an efficient manner about how to prevent aerosol transmission of COVID-19, with the hope that this will allow more informed decision making by individuals or organizations. It includes info about face masks and prevention of the infection. Face coverings (such as N95) can be useful for disease control alongside social distancing. Wearing face covering can help if you have coronavirus symptoms (such as coughs or sneezes) and is always better than no face mask. Other topics include: is coronavirus airborne, are covid masks safe, droplet precautions, airborne precautions, coronavirus masks, different types of close contact. These FAQs should always be similar or more stringent than information provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and most regional & local health authorities.