Best Docs - 🟧 Heystack
Kanye Unreleased Tracker
Kanye West, music, rap
A list of all the unreleased and leaked songs by Kanye West by each era/album. If you are looking for Kanye leaks or unreleased, this sheet is for you. Includes "Up from the Ashes" from Jesus is King album and many other. Sourced from Reddit.
Copy of Am I a Lesbian? Masterdoc
gender, sex, LGBT, tumblr, lesbian manifesto, am I lesbian
Am I a Lesbian? What is Compulsory Heterosexuality? How do I know if I’m a lesbian? Exploration of how societal conditioning can lead lesbians to have conflicting feelings and attraction toward men. A look at female sexual orientation sexual identities.
Genshin Impact Helper Team's Character Builds
games, Genshin Impact, statistics, item list
Genshin Impact - how to build every character in the game. Weapons, notes, artifacts, comparison. Use tabs at the bottom to see different stats.
Dream SMP Timeline
games, minecraft, dreamsmp, lore, role play
This document is meant to record the events that follow in the Dream SMP, and also help those who are behind on the lore! This is a document that has documented the important lore in chronological order since the very beginning of the server.
fanfiction, recommendations, list, ao3
A list of recommended DNF fan fiction works
Fortnite BR Skin IDs & Meshes by Blithe
fortnite, games, skins, fortnite ids, fortnitebr
Free Fortnite skin ID & meshes spreadsheet. This Fortnite spreadsheet includes fortnite skin ids, mesh ids, textures. For example for Red-Nosed Raider skin fortnite use Ctrl+F then type the name - you can see that CID is CID_047_Athena_Commando_F_HolidayReindeer Body Mesh : Textures is F_Med_Soldier_01 : Reindeer etc.
The ChatGPT Prompt Book - - Rev 2
AI, machine learning, programming, OpenAI
Welcome to the birth of a new skill - prompt design. This prompt book provides some insights on getting the most out of the latest OpenAI chatbot, ChatGPT (over a million interested users signing up within five days).
"Shen matchups guide" by Shending Help
games, League of Legends, LoL, guide, Shending, shen guide
This League of Legends matchup guide is generally focusing on how to play the early laning phase in each specific matchup. In most matchups you can get a lead one way or another, and then it’s just about correctly driving your lead home and snowball your lane and then transitioning your personal lead to other lanes while containing it best you can.