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COVID-19 "Don't Go Crazy" list

covid19, resources, fun, useful, coronavirus, quarantine, movies, shows, games, arts and crafts, learning, books, podcasts, tips, music, art, mental health

List of Things To Do and Resources To Stay Sane While Quarantined During COVID-19

Feel Good Movies Worth Watching

movies, feel good, happy, streaming, list, films

Looking for a fun, happy films to watch? Here's a list - feel free to suggest any that you enjoyed!

Gay Movies

gay, lgbt, movies, trans, lesbian

A movie containing ratings and recommendations for LGBT movies.

free queer films by Leeds Queer Film Festival

films, movies, lgbtq, documentaries

Free Queer Films from the Leeds Queer Film Festival

Based on a True True Story?

films, entertainment, review, movies

A data-level examination of Hollywood "true story" films

Actor Workshops

acting, art, theatre, classes, learning, movies

Actor workshops, classes and course. Keep tagging and I'll keep adding.

Mad Max Fury Road Transcript.docx

films, movies, script

Mad Max: Fury Road script

Jesus Christ, Movie Star: a stay-home film series for Lent 2021

movies, streaming, films, Jesus, Christ, gospel, academic, theology

Eric David (M.A. USC film school, bio at bottom of page) is building on a lecture he gave at the Getty Center on the history of Jesus films. The doc features close readings of selected films through the decades that tell the gospel story from academic, literary, cinematic, narrative, cultural, historical, theological and even devotional lenses.

So You Want To Be A Film Writer...

films, movies, writing, script, film writing

Given the lack of accessible resources for newcomers to film journalism, this guide is intended to help people just entering the industry with tips about starting out. Please note that as I am based in the UK, some advice might only apply to UK writers, but hopefully it will be useful to others too.