Public COVID-19 Data Table: Lower Tier Regional Breakdown

Coronavirus trends statuses in UK regions: new cases, deaths and lockdown statuses

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Public COVID-19 Data Table: Lower Tier Regional Breakdown

Coronavirus trends statuses in UK regions: new cases, deaths and lockdown statuses

coronavirus, data, lockdown, lockdown status, regions, UK

Data last updated: May 9th at 8:41PM

Stay Cautious, COVID-19 prevalence remains HIGH. We should all stay cautious to help protect ourselves and others. We can do this by: - Letting fresh air in if you're indoors. If possible, try and meet outdoors instead - Wearing a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces - Getting tested if available and self-isolate if positive/showing symptoms - Getting vaccinated if and when eligible For more information, please visit:

New Cases Summary

North West Greater London North East East Midlands East of England South East

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0

Yorkshire and the Humber West Midlands South West Wales Scotland Northern Ireland

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0

Data Collection and Analysis by Lawrence Gilder (@LawrenceGilder on Twitter)

In Collaboration With

Public COVID-19 Data Table: Lower Tier Regional Breakdown
Tags Coronavirus, Data, Lockdown, Lockdown status, Regions, UK
Type Google Sheet
Published 06/05/2024, 21:14:03


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