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💪️ fitness - 🟧Heystack

Grow Your Glutes Without Growing Your Legs

fitness, booty, health, 🍑

Grow Your Glutes Without Growing Your Legs

Design Epic Life – The Ultimate Coronavirus Survival Kit

parenting, learning, coronavirus, fitness, health, productivity, education

Make the most out of your quarantine and isolation with the tools, services and products that will help you THRIVE.

Bodyweight Fitness Progressions

fitness, bodybuilding, sport, gym

Awesome spreadsheet with a list of exercises you can do without equipment or going to the gym.

SparkyGG's health and improvement routines

fitness, games, routine

Gamers easily develop bad habits when playing video games, such as a poor sleep schedule, negative habits and lack of exercise. Which makes it hard to stay healthy or even energetic throughout the day. This usually snowballs and makes you end up in not only having issues in falling asleep, but also waking-up. These routines may help you get an indication of an optimal routine, so you could get inspiration from it and forge your own.

Social Distancing a.k.a. The Internet is our Friend

coronavirus, resources, fitness

A collection of free arts/culture/education/health/wellness resources so folks can access some fun, nourishing, and educatonal experiences while we're all home alone. Please feel free to add to the list, and I will continue to curate it.

Low Carb Diet Studies

study, list, fitness, carbs, diet

A list of academic studies of diets with low intake of carbohydrates and their impact on weight loss

GLT PE Lessons

sport, teaching, PE, workouts, fitness

For all the PE teachers wanting to keep their pupils active over this lockdown period, the spreadsheet attached has the YouTube links for all my @GreenshawTrust core PE lessons. Please feel free to use and share. #SharingIsCaring #TeamPE


fitness, gym, working out, tips

Weekly gym program - a document which can serve as an entry point for those looking to get into fitness, or a guide for those familiar with the concepts, and looking to hop back in. Includes preparation, exercises, diet and many other useful tips!

Creon’s Life Extension, Ketogenic Diet, Fasting, and Healthspan Notes and References.

diet, fitness, keto, ketogenic diet

Guides, notes and references for anyone who would like to learn more about keto diet

Weight Loss Tips

fitness, weight loss, diet

Wight loss tips from @nHiRanZ which have helped him drop 20 kilos