Engineering - 🟧Heystack
LD - In pursuit of better levels
engineering, software, games, guide, dev
Game level design document with useful senior dev knowledge
500+ Free Tools For Startups
startup, SEO, markting, engineering, list, design
A list of free tools to help your startup and make you more productive!
2022 Ethereum Events
crypto, events, Ethereum, 2022, NFT, web3, engineering
A list of Ethereum events for 2022
How to Work with Me
remotework, working from home, engineering, teamwork
Engineering team at Monzo has implemented a "How to Work with Me" sheet to fill out when onboarding and this practice has quickly spread. It's useful for getting the best out of remote teams. From @ohhoe
Specification gaming examples in AI - master list
AI, artificial intelligence, software, engineering, games
Gaming examples of the AI finding unintended solutions to the specified objective that don't satisfy the designer's intent. This includes reward hacking behaviors in reinforcement learning.
Tech Lead Expectations for Engineering Projects (Gergely Orosz @Uber)
engineering, software, software development, tech lead, leadership, teamwork, remotework
Tips and guidance about being a tech lead on engineering projects. As a project engineering lead, your role will be crucial for the team to succeed. Below is some guidance of what this role consists of, and what the expectations are. Author: Gergely Orosz (@GergelyOrosz)
100Devs Homework sheet
engineering, web development, internet, learn to code
A google doc with all the follow along materials from 100devs. It includes all the homework, links for the code +solutions +descriptions of the classes in an organized table.
Who Is Hiring Software Engineers and EMs? In 2022
software, engineering, jobs
A list of companies hiring software engineers. Different locations, levels of seniority and more!
Looking for job or gig from Ukraine
jobs, Ukraine, war, list, engineering
A sheet with a list of Ukrainian workers affected by the conflict, looking for new permanent or temporary employment. Engineers, marketers, photographers, PR, etc.
UX Designer: 0 - 1 Study Guide [@udezekene]
UX, design, engineering, web development, career, UI, art
A study guide for a mentee who is transitioning into a UX design career. If you're new to UX, or looking to get started, this might be useful for you. Leave a comment for what you we might be missing.