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♀️️️gender - 🟧Heystack

Copy of Am I a Lesbian? Masterdoc

gender, sex, LGBT, tumblr, lesbian manifesto, am I lesbian

Am I a Lesbian? What is Compulsory Heterosexuality? How do I know if I’m a lesbian? Exploration of how societal conditioning can lead lesbians to have conflicting feelings and attraction toward men. A look at female sexual orientation sexual identities.

Let's get more girls into coding.

programming, learn to code, parenting, learning, software, gender

A list of organizations making the world of code more accessible - some focus on "girls", some target all children/all ages If you are interested in a specific course, please contact the organization directly.


books, communism, marxism, gender, black radicalism, black liberation

Hey so, I’m Mar (They/He). I created this document so I could get all the texts I’ve read/been wanting to read + organizing them. Idk if this goes well, I probably shared it for educational purposes. It’s going to be separated by topic, and all of them will be free since I personally can’t afford books like that. I’ll also link reading guides too!

Pride Guide

LGBT, pride, sex, gender, guide, bisexual flag, pansexual flag

Here is a simple guide to pride flags; what they mean, how they came to be and who they represent

Am I Trans?

LGBT, trans, sex, gender

This document is intended to question societal gender norms and help shed light on the struggles many suffer within their own identities, young and old people alike, and hopefully to help those with these struggles understand themselves better.


gender, sex, LGBT, am I bi

A collection of definition of bisexuality by various bisexual activists and associations

Sapphic Couples in TV Shows MasterDoc

gender, sex, LGBT, TV

A list of lesbian relationships in the TV shows

Am I A Bi Guy? (Updated)

sex, gender, sexuality, bi, men

This is a big reference to help you figure out if you, a teenage bicurious guy, are actually bi. As this is written by a bi teenager, I am going to target and write what I know. I have no plans to dive deep into any theory, and for the sake of relating to the average teenage guy, I’m going to simply look at girls and guys, not the genders and underlying sexes, as I am nowhere near qualified, nor awake enough to speak on all that. I am going to keep it casual, so be prepared to have some fun and maybe a laugh or two. Also, I was told something called the Bisexual Manifesto exists, but I cannot find it, so this is all off the cuff.


politics, society, protest, 2020, Poland, gender, feminism, resources

Poland's top court has ruled that abortions in cases of foetal defects are unconstitutional. Poland's abortion laws were already among the strictest in Europe but the Constitutional Tribunal's ruling will mean an almost total ban. Since the ruling, protests have been taking place across Poland. In this doc you can find a few quick actions you can take to raise awareness of this situation, donation links, and resources to share.

COVID-19 and Gender Resources

coronavirus, gender, resources

Gender and COVID-19 resource list - articles/reports, blog/online posts, news articles