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Tools - 🟧Heystack

crypto data tools 加密数据工具箱

tools, cryptocurrency

Crypto Data Tools (DeFi/NFT/Airdrops etc.)

Bellingcat's Online Investigation Toolkit [bit.ly/bcattools]

journalism, data, tools, fact checking, research

Bellingcat’s freely available online open source investigation toolkit - data sources, social media, visualization and many more

Tools For Writers

writing, books, tools, motivation

Greetings, fellow writers! This workbook is a compilation of tools that I've developed to motivate myself, and I'm happy to share them with you. It's easy to forget how much work we've put into our craft, and sometimes being able to see that work in a different way can really help get us through the inevitable low spots.

Comparison of Slack Alternatives

remotework, guide, tools, communication

A spreadsheet with remote communication tools like Slack - includes cost, size restrictions, features, etc.

Thirty things which are quite good

list, random, DIY, tools

A list of things which are actually quite good

Crypto Data常用工具汇总

Data, Tools, DeFi

Crypto 常用工具箱