Welcome! This list was created by Allie K. Miller in August 2020, without any affiliation to the named organizations. Though most of the organizations focus on "girls", some target all children/all ages - all focus on making the world of code more accessible. All information was sourced from the organizations' websites and may contain outdated information. If you are interested in a specific course, please contact the organization directly. If you have organizations that should be added to this list or helpful edits, please email Allie at hello@alliekmiller.com or DM her on LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/alliekmiller). Please share WIDELY. To create your own copy and further edit/filter this document, please click "File" > "Make a copy". Last modified on September 8, 2020
Org Name Org Website Org Description Unique Offering Age Range Launch Year Org Size Location Cost Twitter
Hack Club https://hackclub.com/ A nonprofit network of student-led computer science clubs Hack Club is a global network of programming clubs where members learn to code through tinkering and building projects. Members work at their own pace making websites, apps, & games, and presenting them to the group. high schoolers 2014 400 clubs at high schools around the world Free https://twitter.com/hackclub
AnitaB.org https://ghc.anitab.org/ The AnitaB.org flagship event Grace Hopper Celebration brings the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront. Virtual Grace Hopper Celebration (vGHC) is the world’s largest gathering of women technologists. Learn, network, and be inspired as we work together to achieve intersectional gender and pay parity in tech. 18 and above 1994 US, India - https://anitab-org.mobilize.io $799, $599, $349 https://anitab.org/social-media
Girls Garage https://girlsgarage.org/ Girls Garage is a nonprofit design and building program and dedicated workspace for girls ages 9-18. Through classes in carpentry, welding, architecture, and activist art, we support and equip a community of fearless girls who are building the world they want to see. 9-18 2013 14 US Free https://twitter.com/_girlsgarage
Girls Who Code https://girlswhocode.com/ Girls Who Code is an organization that values diversity, equity, and inclusion as essential to our mission. Girls Who Code is on a mission to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. 10-18, 18 and above 2012 300,000 US, Canada, UK, India Free https://twitter.com/girlswhocode
Black Girls Code https://www.blackgirlscode.com/ Black Girls CODE has set out to prove to the world that girls of every color have the skills to become the programmers of tomorrow. By promoting classes and programs we hope to grow the number of women of color working in technology and give underprivileged girls a chance to become the masters of their technological worlds. 7-17 2011 3,000 US, South Africa $35 per student (some workshops are free!) https://twitter.com/blackgirlscode
Code First Girls https://codefirstgirls.org.uk/ Code First Girls are dedicated to transforming tech by providing the skills, space and inspiration for women to become kick-ass developers and future leaders. Giving women the fair advantage. 2015 17,000 UK Free https://twitter.com/CodeFirstGirls
DigiGirlz at Microsoft https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/programs/digigirlz/default.aspx Microsoft DigiGirlz programs give middle and high school girls* opportunities to learn about careers in technology, connect with Microsoft employees, and participate in hands-on computer and technology workshops. DigiGirlz programs provide high school girls with a better understanding of what a career in technology is like. 14-18 2000 US Free https://twitter.com/Microsoft
girls + data girlsplusdata.org girls + data is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) with a mission of increasing data literacy at a younger age and providing middle school girls with hands-on learning opportunities in STEM careers in data analytics girls + data hosts data camps, interactive workshops, and seminars where different analytics tools are used to teach kids about the data life-cycle, from database to the dashboard. 450 US https://twitter.com/girlsplusdata
BUILT BY GIRLS https://www.builtbygirls.com/ BUILT BY GIRLS was founded in 2014 to prepare young women and non-binary students to claim their place in the industries, roles, and careers they want. BUILT BY GIRLS prepares female and non-binary students to step boldly into careers powered by technology. 15-22 2014 US https://twitter.com/builtbygirls
Kode With Klossy https://www.kodewithklossy.com/ Kode With Klossy creates learning experiences and opportunities for young women that increase their confidence and inspire them to pursue their passions in a technology driven world. Our direct programs are created and designed by the Kode with Klossy team to provide best-in-class experiences that increase interest in STEAM at the intersection of technology and creativity. 13-18 2015 US Free https://twitter.com/kodewithklossy
Brave Initiatives https://www.braveinitiatives.com/ Brave Initiatives is on a mission to empower high school girls to be agents of change in the world through design, coding, and leadership training. We run a 5-day BraveCamp that gets participants involved in the creative and enthralling process of developing technology using design-thinking tools for social impact. BraveCamp helps participants learn front-end design and coding skills to bring relief to a selected critical issue. Girls encounter an innovative and fun week of coding, leadership development, and more! 2015 500+ US https://twitter.com/bravecamps
AlligatorZone https://alligatorzone.org/ AlligatorZone® is a storytelling engine for students to explore a world of amazing economic opportunities and prepare themselves for a fulfilling and rewarding career and life. At AlligatorZone®, we are a community of life-long learners, organizers of community gatherings of students and their families, to explore the exciting future that highly accomplished innovators and startup entrepreneurs are creating. 7-17 2014 US $15.99, $24.99 https://twitter.com/alligatorzone
Girls E-Mentorship (GEM) https://www.girlsementorship.com/ GEM is founded, led and made up of women who believe every girl deserves equal opportunity to develop professional skills, pursue higher education and build successful career paths. By providing young women with one-on-one mentorship, skill-building, enrichment opportunities, scholarships, and internships, GEM offers a transformative experience that empowers success long after high school graduation. 2012 150 Canada https://twitter.com/girlsmentorship
The Startup Squad https://www.thestartupsquad.com/ The Startup Squad is a brand and book series that promotes the belief that entrepreneurship can empower young girls to develop important life skills, follow their passions, and reach their potential. We believe that entrepreneurship can help girls develop important life skills, be all they can be, and chase their dreams with confidence and conviction. 2014 https://twitter.com/thestartupsquad
Czechitas https://www.czechitas.cz/en/ a non-profit organization made up of young women and men who all share one common goal – to increase diversity in the world of IT and to fight for a higher level of digital proficiency among women and in the new generation. We help women, girls and children to explore the world of information technologies. We teach them to code in various programming languages, test their software, or analyse complex data. 8-18 2014 18,000 Czech Republic https://twitter.com/czechitas
Girls Computing League https://girlscomputingleague.org/ai-business-innovation-summit/ GirlsComputingLeague a nonprofit who aims to empower underrepresented groups in the technology workplace by fostering the interests of young women in computer science, data science, and technology. We specialize in teaching computer science, data science and information technology concepts to students in Northern Virginia and the Washington Metropolitan area. elementary schoolers to college students 2015 US https://twitter.com/girlscomputing
Webflow https://webflow.com/classroom We're enabling everyone to create for the web — and leading fulfilling, impactful lives while we do it. We envision a world where everyone can create powerful, flexible websites and apps as easily as they create documents today. Because the only thing better than the internet is an internet we can all create for. 2013 160+ US Free https://twitter.com/webflow
Roblox https://www.roblox.com/ Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users. Roblox wants to empower our community to not only be players, but creators. This guide supports aspiring creators, helping them build their first game in addition to developing more advanced skills. 2004 US https://twitter.com/Roblox
Fire Tech http://www.firetechcamp.com/ UK's leading tech and coding courses for 9 to 17 We're on a mission to empower young people to be the tech leaders and innovators of tomorrow, inspiring kids 9-17 to code, build and create. 9-17 2013 UK, Europe, Caribbean, Australia, Middle East https://twitter.com/FireTechCamp
Erase All Kittens https://www.eraseallkittens.com/ E.A.K. is a revolutionary, online game that introduces children to both computational thinking and professional coding languages. Multi-award-winning game that inspires girls to code and teaches professional programming skills. E.A.K. teaches children to code in a totally new way. Instead of just learning computational thinking, girls and boys learn to code by building and fixing reallevels as they play online. 8+ 2015 120,000 UK https://twitter.com/EraseAllKittens
GoldieBlox https://goldieblox.com/ GoldieBlox is an a