Pride Guide

Here is a simple guide to pride flags; what they mean, how they came to be and who they represent

bisexual flag
pansexual flag
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Pride Guide

Here is a simple guide to pride flags; what they mean, how they came to be and who they represent

LGBT, pride, sex, gender, guide, bisexual flag, pansexual flag

Guide to Pride

Here is a simple guide to pride flags; what they mean, how they came to be and who they represent. This guide only includes the flags that were added to the Sims 4 patch update from June of 2019, but I'd be happy to make a sequel including more.

Please note before reading – none of the identities mentioned herein, and many unmentioned, are unnatural or unsavory in any way. They are all completely natural and valid identities, and said identities are more than just titles or words. They represent people who are marginalized, huge communities, and so many different ways for people to not only realize, but accept themselves. These groups all have their share of stigmas and stereotypes but we as a society must look past our first impressions, ignorance, and biases at the individuals who wear these identities and see them for what they are –people

Be Yourself. Be Proud.

And Above All,

Be Kind.


This guide has been made by a bisexual cis woman, as such, I am limited by my own experiences and Google. However, I have done my best to find reliable information and deliver it in a respectful way.

If you identify as any of the sexualities and/or genders in this guide and feel that I have poorly explained something, or am spreading misinformation, please feel free to let me know. I am firmly against spreading misinformation or perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

I want to inform, not offend.

The Flags

{ All flags within the Sims 4 }

These are the pride flags added to the The Sims 4 game in the June 2019 update in collaboration with the It Gets Better Project

These are the flags and identities that will be discussed in this guide


{ Attraction to one's own gender }


( Attraction to one's own gender )

The Rainbow Pride flag was created by Gilbert Baker (June 2, 1951 – March 31, 2017) for the 1978 San Francisco Gay Freedom Day celebration.

The meaning behind the colors for the flag.

Technically an umbrella flag for the entire LGBTQ+ community, it's also commonly used as a flag for gay men. As there isn't (officially) another flag specific to them (as of June 2020).


( Women exclusively attracted to other women )

The Pink or “Lipstick Lesbian” Pride flag was created in 2010 to represent homosexual women who have a more feminine gender expression. The creator is unknown.

The meaning behind the colors for the flag.

The pink and orange lesbian flag was created by Tumblr user Emily Gwen in 2018 and has been widely accepted as a more representative flag for the lesbian community.

A five stripe version was soon derived from the seven striped flag designed by Emily Gwen


{ Attraction to multiple genders }


( Attraction to multiple genders, but not necessarily all )

The colors and design of the polysexual flag are based on the pansexual and bisexual pride flags, borrowing the pink and blue, and replacing the yellow and purple stripes with a green one.The polysexual flag has three stripes, pink representing attraction to women, green representing attraction to non-binary people, and blue representing attraction to men.

While also used as an umbrella term, polysexual is it's own sexuality. A better umbrella term for sexualities defined by attraction to multiple genders is multisexual. Polysexuality is a self-identifying term that is somewhat amorphous, as there is a wide variety of different people who use the term to describe themselves. Polysexual identity is related to gender identity and is used by some people who identify outside the binarist gender spectrum.

The flag was created by Tumblr user Samlin (@fuckyeahpolysexuality) in 2012.


( Attraction regardless of gender )

The pansexual pride flag was designed as a symbol for the pansexual community to use. The flag has been in popular use since mid-2010. It is used to increase visibility and recognition for the pansexual community, and to distinguish it from bisexuality.

The meaning behind the colors for the flag.

For someone who's bi or poly, gender plays a role in their attraction. Liking one gender feels different from liking another. Pansexual people feel attraction regardless of gender, it is a non-factor on their attraction.

Despite being a very popular joke, Pansexuality is not an attraction to cookware. Cookware is even more of a non-factor in their attraction than gender.

The pansexual flag represents people whose attraction towards others is not determined by sex or gender identity.

“Pan” comes from the Latin word for “all”, referring to an attraction toward all genders.

The pansexual flag consists of three colored horizontal bars: magenta, yellow, and cyan. The cyan portion of the flag represents sexual attraction to those who identify within the male spectrum (regardless of biological sex), the magenta represents sexual attraction to those who identify within the female spectrum (regardless of biological sex), and the yellow portion, found in between the cyan and magenta portions, represents sexual attraction to non-binary people, such as those who are androgynous, agender, bigender and genderfluid.


( Attraction to multiple genders )

The bisexual pride flag was designed by Michael Page in 1998 in order to give the bisexual community its own symbol comparable to the gay pride flag of the larger LGBT community. His aim was to increase the visibility of bisexuals, both among society as a whole and within the LGBT community. The first bisexual pride flag was unveiled at the BiCafe's first anniversary party on December 5, 1998.

The pink is for same sex/gender attraction, blue is for different sex/gender attraction, and purple is to represent the attraction across the gender spectrum.

It's a common misconception that bisexuals are trans or nb phobic, but this isn't the case. Many bisexuals are attracted to more than two genders, trans people, etc. Other sexualities like poly or omnisexuality have the same or similarly defined attraction, but it's ultimately up to the individual to decide which label feels right to them. Just be sure when questioning that you aren't being bi, trans, nb, poly, or omni phobic–they’re all valid identities and none of them are inherently phobic of any others.

Bisexual Pride Flag — Created in 1998 by Michael Page, the bisexual pride flag has a is pink on the top and royal blue on the bottom, with an overlapping purple stripe in the middle. The pink is intended to represent attraction to the same sex only, the royal blue to the opposite sex only, and the purple attraction to all genders / more than one.

Page used two overlapping triangles as a symbol of bisexuality and pride.

The top 40 percent of the flag is magenta, the middle 20 percent is lavender, and the bottom 40 percent is royal blue. The magenta represents same-sex attraction, the blue represents heterosexual attraction, and the lavender, which is a mixture of both the magenta and blue, represents attraction to both sexes.

Aro/Ace Spectrum

{ Attraction to no genders }


( No sexual attraction to any gender )

The flag was created by AVEN user standup in August 2010, as part of a community effort to create and choose a flag.

The meaning behind the colors for the flag.

Asexuality is not celibacy, a dislike of sex, or simply being prudish. Asexuality is a spectrum. Some asexuals enjoy sex, others are completely uninterested or even repulsed by it. Some feel limited amounts of sexual attraction, some feel none at all. There are many identities that fall into this spectrum.


( No romantic attraction to any gender )

The flag’s origin is unknown.

Dark Green: Represents aromanticism.

Light Green: Represents the aromantic spectrum.

White: Represents platonic and aesthetic attraction, as well as queer/quasi platonic relationships.

Grey: Represents grey-aromantic and demiromantic people.

Black: Represents the sexuality spectrum.

Being aromantic does not mean that one is unable to experience sexual attraction. An aromantic person can have any sexual orientation. Many aromantics use separate romantic and sexual orientations. For example, a heterosexual aromantic person is sexually attracted to people of another gender, but is not romantically attracted to them. Some aromantics are also asexual, meaning they do not feel sexual attraction as well; they may identify as aroace.


{ Gender identities that differ from the gender assigned at birth or the gender binary of male or female }


( A person whose gender differs from the one assigned at birth )

The Transgender Pride Flag designed by transgender woman Monica Helms in 1999, which was first shown at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona, US in 2000.

The meaning behind the colors for the flag according to Monica Helms.

“The stripes at the top and bottom are light blue, the traditional color for baby boys. The stripes next to them are pink, the traditional color for baby girls.The white stripe is for people that are nonbinary, feel that they don't have a gender. The pattern is such that no matter which way you fly it, it is always correct, signifying us finding correctness in our lives.”

How a trans person physically transitions is up to them. There are many factors that play a part in how much or how little a person transitions such as physical comfort, mental health, their financial situation, safety, available healthcare, personal preference, etc. Trans people are still trans regardless of how far along their transition is.


( Those who identify off the gender binary )

The non-binary flag was created in 2014 by activist Kye Rowan. This flag was intended to go alongside Marilyn Roxie’s genderqueer flag rather than replace it.

The meaning behind the colors for the flag.

While they/them pronouns are often associated with non-binary people, not all use them. Many non-binary people use she/her or he/him pronouns as well. Another common misconception is that non-binary people all look, or try to look, androgynous. Gender assigned at birth, pronouns, gender identity, and gender expression are all different and each person experiences them differently.

NB and enby are both common abbreviations for non-binary.


( Individuals born with any of several variations in sex characteristics )

The Intersex flag was created in July 2013 by Morgan Carpenter of Intersex Human Rights Australia (then known as Organisation Intersex International Australia) to create a flag "that is not derivative, but is yet firmly grounded in meaning.”

The circle is described as "unbroken and unornamented, symbolising wholeness and completeness, and our potentialities. We are still fighting for bodily autonomy and genital integrity, and this symbolises the right to be who and how we want to be."

Variations in sex characteristics may chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies". This range of atypical variation may be physically obvious from birth or may not be obvious and remain unknown to people all their lives.


( A gender which varies over time )

The flag was created in 2012 by JJ Poole.

The meaning behind the colors for the flag.

A genderfluid person's identity will change constantly, so it's always best to ask what they are in that moment. For instance; You wake up a girl, then you suddenly feel like a boy. This m

Pride Guide
Tags LGBT, Pride, Sex, Gender, Guide, Bisexual flag, Pansexual flag
Type Google Slide
Published 08/08/2109, 08:35:05


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