XRPL gadget78.uk
cryptocurrency, XRPL
A list of XRPL coins, with this relevant security info, and also some info and links on each one
Open Source DAO Market Research
finance, investing, cryptocurrency, DAO, list, programming
A lot of people are researching DAOs. Think we can crowdsource DAO market research? If you know anything about DAOs, please contribute to the sheet. Everyone has edit access. Please be kind & factual.
Draft: DeFi and the Future of Finance
finance, investing, deFi, cryptocurrency, overview, fintech
Origins, current state and the future of decentralized finance
Ethereum 2.0 Economic Model
cryptocurrency, crypto, ETH, ethereum, economics, finance
An analysis of economic system governing Ethereum after EIP-1559 release. Tokenomics, inflation and other metrics to look at.
Polynetwork and Hacker Communicate
cryptocurrency, finance, programming, crypto, hack, DAO, security, defi
On the 10th of August 2021, the decentralized finance (defi) project Poly Network suffered a loss of over $600 million in various tokens due to smart contract bug. Exploiter has communicated with Poly team via blockchain messages and returned some of the funds. This sheets keeps track of the communication and the transfers.
Bitcoin Song DB
cryptocurrency, finance, music, list
Want to know the first song in history written about Bitcoin? Find out here - a chronological list of all the songs written about BTC.
Understanding Bitcoin Starter (Links)
cryptocurrency, guide, Bitcoin, learn crypto, starter guide
If you are here because you are exploring #Bitcoin WELCOME! The Google Doc has recommended links for people doing research.
EIP-3074 Impact Study
cryptocurrency, ETH, ethereum, finance, study
Dedaub was commissioned by the Ethereum Foundation to perform an audit/study of the impact of Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 3074 (AUTH and AUTHCALL) on existing contracts. In order to appraise the impact of the proposed change, we performed extensive queries over the source code and bytecode of deployed contracts, inspected code manually, examined past transactions/balances/approvals, and informally interviewed developers.
Terra Projects - Ecosystem
cryptocurrency, Terra, Luna
A compilation of projects currently building on $LUNA