DAO - 🟧Heystack
Open Source DAO Market Research
finance, investing, cryptocurrency, DAO, list, programming
A lot of people are researching DAOs. Think we can crowdsource DAO market research? If you know anything about DAOs, please contribute to the sheet. Everyone has edit access. Please be kind & factual.
How to DAO course notes (Sep-Oct 2021)
crypto, DAO, web3, ethereum
A comprehensive course about DAOs - Decentralised Autonomous Organisations.
Polynetwork and Hacker Communicate
cryptocurrency, finance, programming, crypto, hack, DAO, security, defi
On the 10th of August 2021, the decentralized finance (defi) project Poly Network suffered a loss of over $600 million in various tokens due to smart contract bug. Exploiter has communicated with Poly team via blockchain messages and returned some of the funds. This sheets keeps track of the communication and the transfers.
Growing DAOs
cryptocurrency, crypto, DAO, organisations, programming, management, DeFi
Overview of what DAOs are - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations or better yet - "Facebook group with a bank account".
Forming a DAO in an Evolving Web2/Web3 World
cryptocurrency, DAO, organisations, management, web3
DAOs are taking over the world. A piece about how they are formed and structured today and what future might look like. By @AlexandraSukin
The Web3 Beginners Guide
cryptocurrency, crypto, NFT, DAO, overview, DeFi
A collection of interesting articles about Digitally Autonomous Communities (DAOs)/ NFTS/Web3/Creator Economy