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Google Apps Script Library Database
game dev, google appscript, learn to code, apps script, libraries, hacks, snippets, devops
Google AppsScript Library ID compilation crowdsourced spreadsheet.
Let's get more girls into coding.
programming, learn to code, parenting, learning, software, gender
A list of organizations making the world of code more accessible - some focus on "girls", some target all children/all ages If you are interested in a specific course, please contact the organization directly.
How to Learn CS + Become a full-stack web Software Engineer
software, learn to code, programming, learning
Learn CS and How to be a Software Engineer - data structures, algorithms and beyond
YeahSheWrites Coding Road Map
programming, guide, learning resources, learn to code
A beginner friendly document with resources to start learning to code - created by @yeahshewrites who became a software engineer and wanted to share tips on how to get started in the tech industry
100Devs Homework sheet
engineering, web development, internet, learn to code
A google doc with all the follow along materials from 100devs. It includes all the homework, links for the code +solutions +descriptions of the classes in an organized table.
Math for Game Devs 2020
games, programming, teaching, learning, learn to code, game dev
A math course by Freya Holmér for students at FutureGames: includes calculation lessons about scalars, vectors, spaces, matrices, mesh surface area and other topics