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Contributing libraries
Add new libraries using this form or send the details to [email protected].
Contributing to the Database Source Code
This GSheet has an underlying script that constructs the master Libraries tab. Take a look on GitHub if you would like to help with that!
General Library Documentation
Google's library docs
Article from MashE that is mainly about the manifest file, but discusses its use by libraries and how a "community library installer" could be created
Creating an Apps Script library - Bruce McPherson
Pull libraries inline to your Apps Script project - Bruce McPherson
Article on Google Apps Script Libraries And Properties
Find an Apps Script library id in 10 seconds with scrviz - Bruce McPherson
Links to other Lists
Kanshi TANAIKE's list on GitHub
Alex Ivanov's list on GitHub
Spencer Easton's list on GitHub
Script Example's website list
Old Library List (2013??)
Library Issues
Autocomplete of library fails when function has default parameter