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Communication - 🟧Heystack

Mochary Method Curriculum

startup, finance, business, communication

Matt Mochary, CEO coach of many CEOs in the Silicon Valley, open-sourced his method and resources on startup/entrepreneurship: hiring, relationship building, mindfulness, productivity and more.


remotework, guide, teamwork, communication

This is the playbook for the people side of doing remote work well.

On communicating in an organization

management, communication, business, psychology

Principles and frameworks that guide our choices about how to communicate. This document is mainly focused on the perspective of a data scientist (and manager), but should be broadly useful within most large organizations.

Comparison of Slack Alternatives

remotework, guide, tools, communication

A spreadsheet with remote communication tools like Slack - includes cost, size restrictions, features, etc.

ICEBREAKERS, via The Art of Noticing by Rob Walker

remotework, communication, teaching, zoom, talking

What would you write on a gigantic billboard? A list of conversation icebreakers from @notrobwalker's (brilliant) "Art of Noticing" newsletter. They can help you start a video meeting or get to know someone better.