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VTuber Tax FAQ

streaming, YouTube, tax, finance, games, advice

Since it’s Tax season and most VTubers are new to this whole tax thing, here’s a short FAQ. As I have only filed United States of America taxes, this advice is primarily for US taxes, however other countries may have similar tax laws.

Feel Good Movies Worth Watching

movies, feel good, happy, streaming, list, films

Looking for a fun, happy films to watch? Here's a list - feel free to suggest any that you enjoyed!

VTuber Resources & Commissions Listings Sheet!

social media, internet, vTube, streaming

Vtuber resources master list! If you're starting out and not sure where to get certain resources... here ya go. Free assets, guides, music, videos...

Free Audio Resources!

music, streaming, resources, list, games, game dev

Free audio resources like plugins, sound effects, tutorials, etc.

How To Make Video Essays

art, social media, video, guide, blogging, YouTube, vlog, streaming

A beginner's guide to video blogging and streaming. How to start, what to expect and how to get better. First-hand knowledge from @theRazbuten

15 ways to incorporate gaming into your music strategy

games, music, streaming, Twitch

What shapes exactly are music and gaming partnerships taking on today, and where are some of the biggest opportunities for experimentation and growth going into 2021

Full-time streaming calculator

streaming, games, finance, budget, Twitch

This sheet is designed as a general guideline for determining your financial situation and if it is viable to stream on Twitch "full time". Informational use only.

Jesus Christ, Movie Star: a stay-home film series for Lent 2021

movies, streaming, films, Jesus, Christ, gospel, academic, theology

Eric David (M.A. USC film school, bio at bottom of page) is building on a lecture he gave at the Getty Center on the history of Jesus films. The doc features close readings of selected films through the decades that tell the gospel story from academic, literary, cinematic, narrative, cultural, historical, theological and even devotional lenses.