Climate change - 🟧Heystack
new BEV models
climate, electric cars, Tesla, EVs, transport, climate change
A list of new and upcoming #BEV (pure battery electric) vehicle models which has now hit 500 and will grow further. #EV, #VW, #Volkswagen, #Tesla, #Audi, #BMW, #Mercedes, #Porsche, #Hyundai, #Kia , #Ford, #Toyota, #Volvo, #Peugeot, #Renault, #Nio, #Xpeng
Emergency on Planet Earth
climate, Extinction Rebellion, science, climate change, XR
Comprehensive collection of scientific evidence about climate and ecological disaster. Document written by Extinction Rebellion's scientist community, fact-checked and reviewed by a wide range of experts in relevant fields
20th centrury north america and western european nuclear projects
climate, energy, climate change
Collated figures on all nuclear power projects started in N. American & Western Europe since Chernobyl disaster — all over-budget, behind schedule
EV average consumption
cars, EVs, Tesla, climate change, list
A spreadsheet ranking different electric cars available on the market. Now with drive train efficiency
Advice to Young People, as you Face Annihilation
climate, climate change, XR, ecology
This is from Roger Hallam, founder of "Extinction Rebellion". What will the reality of climate change and society collapse look like?
How to Teach Climate Breakdown
climate, teaching, teaching materials, climate change
Slides to help you teach about climate crisis and links to other useful resources.
Cutting through spiritual colonialism first draft.docx
society, climate change, climate, economics
An essay about how problems wind around each-other in ways which seem insoluble, and how to pry these problems apart into soluble components. It is fundamentally an essay about decomplexifying our world models by making them more accurate.