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Investigative journalism - 🟧Heystack

Epstein Flight Logs [ Public ]

epstein, investigative journalism, journalism, list of names, flight list, fact check, Ghislaine Maxwell, aviation

Jeffrey Epstein flight logs: who flew on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet N908JE. Court documents have revealed names of passengers on "The Lolita Express" - a Gulfstream jet which pedophile Jeffrey Epstein used to take his victims such as Virginia Roberts to his mansions on a private island in US Virgin Islands. Also included are other flights of the convicted sex offender - on a helicopter and a Cessna. The sheet includes island names such as Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Naomi Campbell, Prince Andrew as well as accomplices of the child abuse: Sarah Kellen, Nadia Marcinkova, Larry Visoski, David Rodgers, Please be patient when opening the sheet as it contains a lot of data.

All known Epstein Jet Flights

news, journalism, investigative journalism, Epstein, Maxwell, trial, flights

An easy-to-use online spreadsheet of Epstein flight data, with all available information about Epstein's fleet of jets during the years he was an active owner

FTX contagion

crypto, investigative journalism, finance, 2023, FTX

A list of companies with an exposure to FTX bankruptcy. Includes acquisitions, FTT holders and any other exposure.

All The Citizens: COVID-19 public sector contracts

politics, UK, 2020, government, budget, coronavirus, investigative journalism, open data

A list of all the contracts given by the UK governmend during the Covid-19 response

Facebook Doc Stories

social media, news, investigative journalism, Facebook

A list of news stories and research papers about Facebook and its impact on various topics around the World such as covid19, climate change, elections, taxes. Helpful to get an idea of different stories the company is a part of.

Twitter Files Complete

journalism, investigative journalism, Twitter, politics, social media

A collection of internal documents from Twitter showing an unhealthy link between social media and state security.

Resource: Tips and tricks from the Bureau Local open newsroom

journalism, society, investigative journalism, news

A collection of materials and advice for local journalists. From Bureau Local's (The Bureau of Investigative Journalism) open newsroom.

Project Pegasus - Individuals listed, targeted, or compromised

journalism, investigative journalism, Project Pegasus, news, citizens, spyware, politics

The Pegasus Project is an international investigative journalism initiative which revealed governments' espionage on journalists, opposition politicians, activists, business people and others using the private NSO Group's Pegasus spyware. A spreadsheet containing a list of individuals who are (a) on the list as a person of interest, (b) known to have been targeted, or (c) known to have been compromised. Also clarifies which previously known cases are part of #ProjectPegasus.

FSB Poison Squad Travel History

journalism, investigative journalism, data, Russia, FSB, Navalny, democracy

The travel data of the FSB officers involved with the @navalny assassination plot. Some of these incidents might relate to other poisoning incidents targeting other individuals, so have fun with the data!