Artificial intelligence - 🟧Heystack
Jason's Machine Learning 101
programming, AI, artificial intelligence, ML, guide
The culmination of almost 2 years of head banging, so you don't have to. The one stop shop to get answers to common questions you may have around Machine Learning: * What is it and what types of ML exist? * How does it work? * How can it be used? * Where is it heading?
AI EO: Human-Readable Edition (view only)
AI, politics, artificial intelligence, USA
An overview of Whitehouse's 2023 AI executive order
Specification gaming examples in AI - master list
AI, artificial intelligence, software, engineering, games
Gaming examples of the AI finding unintended solutions to the specified objective that don't satisfy the designer's intent. This includes reward hacking behaviors in reinforcement learning.
ML Reasoning Reading list
programming, machine learnining, ML, AI, artificial intelligence
A comprehensive list of academic papers about machine learning topics 🏫
AI in Africa
AI, artificial intelligence, Africa, data
AI companies, labs and communities based in Africa