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Final Fantasy XIV - 🟧Heystack

FFXIV - gobbiespeak spreadlist for uplander learnytimes - by @roefizzlebeef

games, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy, guide, languages

This document is intended to provide a mostly comprehensive list of gobbiespeak vocabulary found in FFXIV and its supplemental materials, as well as a small primer on how the dialect itself works for any aspiring gobbie RPers out there (like myself—hello! I made a goblin OC that I accidentally got way too invested in, and this is my life now). The general mechanics listed below are mostly my own observations about the gobbiespeak dialect, building off of the gobbiespeak we see in game and the info included in the lorebooks. All terms listed in the glossary are pulled from either the Encyclopedia Eorzea(s), official lyrics to songs from the Alexander raid series, and of course the game itself (from NPC dialogue/popup text, location names, quest titles and descriptions, etc). Please note that since the glossary includes quotes to provide context as to how words are used, it contains Alexander spoilers.

ffxiv meals catalogue & compendium

games, Final Fantasy XIV, item list

An up-to-date log of every single consumable meal item and if applicable, their recipes, in FFXIV, for you to reference at any time.