Media ReDesign: The New Realities

Do videos lead to violence

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Media ReDesign: The New Realities

Do videos lead to violence

journalism, social media, media

Media ReDesign: The New Realities

Before we start … 8

Stay informed 8

Know who the key players are 9

Create alliances and partnerships 9

'Truth in Media' Ecosystem 9

Keep a tally of solutions - and mess ups 9

Delve into the Underworld 10

Be prepared to unlearn everything you know 11

Stay connected 11

A final word 12

Stay Informed 13

Background 13

Initiatives 13

Robert Reich: Inequality Media 13

Dan Rather: On journalism & finding the truth in the news 14

Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers 14

Syllabus: Social Media Literacies 14

Bulletin Board 16

Upcoming Events 16

Ongoing Initiatives 17

High-Level Group on Fake News and online disinformation NEW 17

The News Literacy Project 17

Stony Brook’s Center for News Literacy 17

Past Events [Sample] 19

The Future of News in an Interconnected World 20

MisinfoCon: A Summit on Misinformation 20

Combating Fake News: An Agenda for Research and Action 21

Media Learning Seminar 21

The Future of News: Journalism in a Post-Truth Era 21

Dear President: What you need to know about race 22

Knight Foundation & Civic Hall Symposium on Tech, Politics, and the Media 22

Berkeley Institute for Data Science

UnFakingNews Working Group 22

In the News 24

Essential reads 24

Featured 25

General 25

Trump Presidency 26

International 27

Press Room: Research and articles related with this project 28

About Eli Pariser 32

Conferences 33

Related articles 33

Start of Document 35

Basic concepts 35

Definition of Fake News 37

Compilation of basic terms 37

Classifying fake news, fake media & fake sources 40

Considerations → Principles → The Institution of Socio - Economic Values 46

General Ideas 47

Behavioral economics and other disciplines 47

Human Editors 49

Under the Hood 52

Facebook 54

Analysis of Headlines and Content 59

Reputation systems 60

Verified sites 64

Distribution - Social Graph 68

Fact-Checking 70

Special databases 73

Interface - Design 74

Flags 75

Downrank, Suspension, Ban of accounts 77

Contrasting Narratives 78

Points, counterpoints and midpoints 79

Model the belief-in-true / belief-in-fake lifecycle 82

Verified Pages - Bundled news 83

Viral and Trending Stories 84

Patterns and other thoughts 86

Ad ecosystem 88

More ideas… 91

Factmata 99

FiB extension 99

Taboola and Outbrain involvement 99

WikiTribune 102

Verified Trail + Trust Rating 105

Bias Dynamics & Mental Models 108

Neuroscience of philosophical contentions 109

Thread by @thomasoduffy 109

Pattern & Patch Vulnerabilities to Fake News 111

The problem with “Fake News” 112

Surprising Validators 114

[Update] “A Cognitive Immune System for Social Media” based on “Augmenting the Wisdom of Crowds” 117

Snopes 119

Ideas in Spanish - Case Study: Mexico 122

Not just for Facebook to Solve 124

A Citizen Science (Crowd Work) Approach 128

The Old School Approach

Pay to Support Real Journalism 133

Critical Thinking 134

Media Literacy 135

Programs 136

Suggestions from a Trump Supporter on the other side of the cultural divide 138

Ethics of Fake News 144

Your mind is your reality 146

Who decides what is fake? 146

Journalism in an era of private realities 147

Propaganda 147

Scientific Method 147

Alternate realities 148

Legal aspects 151

First Amendment/ Censorship Issues 151

Espionage Act 152

Copyright 153

Trademarks 153

Libel 153

Online Abuse 156

Harassment 156

Trolling and Targeted Attacks 156

Threats 156

Hate Speech 156

Specialized Agencies 158

Rating Agencies 158

Media Governing Body 160

Specialized Models 162

Create a SITA for news 162

Outlier analysis 163

Transparency at user engagement 163

“FourSquare” for News 164

Delay revenue realisation for unverified news sources 164

Other ideas 164

Linked-Data, Ontologies and Verifiable Claims 168

Reading Corner - Resources 172

Social Networks 172

Facebook 172

Twitter 173

Google 173

Filter Bubbles 173

Automated Systems 175

Algorithms 175

User Generated Content 175

Dynamics of Fake Stories 177

Joined-up Thinking - Groupthink 177

Manipulation and ‘Weaponization’ of Data 177

Click Farms - Targeted attacks 178

Propaganda 178

Viral content 179

Satire 179

Behavioral Economics 181

Political Tribalism - Partisanship 182

Ethical Design 182

Journalism in the age of Trump 183

Cultural Divide 184

Cybersecurity 184

Experiences from Abroad 184

Media Literacy 184

Resources list for startups in this space 186

Interested in founding 186

Interested in advising 188

Interested in partnering 188

Interested in investing/funding 190

A Special Thank You 192


Themes and keywords to look for 195

Hashtags 200

Fact Checking Guides 201

Selected reads 201

Russian interference 202


Note: Hi, I am Eli, I started this document. Add idea below after a bullet point, preferably with attribution. Add +[your name] (+Eli) if you like someone else’s note. Bold key phrases if you can. Feel free to crib with attribution.

A number of the ideas below have significant flaws. It’s not a simple problem to solve -- some of the things that would pull down false news would also pull down news in general. But we’re in brainstorm mode.

* November 17, 2016

This document is maintained by @Media_ReDesign, with updates from an extraordinary community of collaborators spanning across many disciplines. Some topics are under the supervision of specific teams, as is the case of news updates, and the Event Calendar (partly updated, linked as a reference, for ideas). All the same, please feel free to contribute with your ideas, as we expand and continue on this journey.

INVADING FORCES???? Have you seen ANY Photos of these families fleeing Certain Death because and Only Because they tried to defend their God given right to Freedom and Democracy? We Americans rightfully take a lot of Pride in this country for our Many Successes but it would Serve us ALL much better if it wasn't so Damn Near Impossible to Learn of our Occasional COLOSSAL Failures! Perfect Example would be how "WE" Helped overturn a Democratically Elected Leader in IRAQ and PUT Saddam Hussein in Power. It's a great example because pretty much everyone knows how we screwed the pooch on that one...The Role we have played in Creating a Humanitarian CRISIS in Honduras is easily as pervasive with the Only Real Difference being that the IRAQ MESS could pretty much be blamed on a specific few and all in in the Republican Party... In Honduras - our screw ups date as far back as 1911 and have only grown worse with each Major Shift in US Political Power! Reagan used Honduras as a "Staging Ground" for his illegal and ill fated Iran - Contra Fiasco and funneled US Weaponry into what is THE Original Textbook perfect "Banana Republic". As always, when Superior Power is given to societies too poorly structured to assure "Equal Protections" and Many of the other things "WE" take for granted..The Struggles to Possess and Control such Superior Power are Never Ending with Each Group who seizes Power Briefly PUNISHING all of those they "took" Power from! To be clear - I am by NO stretch of the imagination saying that Reagan is to blame for the Many Atrocities "we" have been responsible for in Honduras, or El Salvador, or Panama,or pretty much ALL of Central America! Meddling by our CIA and Profiteering on a Vulgar Scale by American Gas & Oil companies have progressively made matters worse and worse... Even President Obama and Sec of State Clinton made matters worse (and "matters' were already Horrific) by NOT denouncing the Military COUP in 2009 that overturned Honduras's last Freely Elected Leader and Permitted a Regime not all that different from Fidel Castro to seize total,violent, control despite MANY well publicized and well known (in that region at least) Massacres of Hondurans who tried to rally support for Democracy! WHY would ANY American Leader look the other way while people who believe in what "we" believe in and who only want to live in a society "Of the People, By The People and For the People".. Why would we NOT Try to Help these folks??? That's a damn good question! It is THE question that these thousands of REFUGEES are begging to have answered: America You Promised to Be a Shining Beacon on a Hill for ALL who love Freedom and Democracy to See". WHY have you Abandoned Us when We were “there” for you when needed us? We were only Doing EXACTLY what you Asked Us to Do? We have tried to Stand Up for Our Rights, The Rights YOUR Presidents (Kennedy, Reagan and Beyond) Told us We were Entitled To ONLY If We believed in these Rights enough to Fight For Them! We’ve been your Ally, We’ve done EXACTLY as You Asked us to.. Why Didn’t Come to Out Aid?

Media ReDesign: The New Realities
Tags Journalism, Social media, Media
Type Google Doc
Published 07/05/2024, 14:49:22


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