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πŸ”Š media - 🟧Heystack

Podcast* Recs Super Sheet

podcasts, audio, recommendations, media

Podcasts Recs Sheet: Crowd-sourced podcast recommendations, multi-genre and form.

πŸ’ΈReal Media Salaries πŸ’Έ

journalism, salaries, jobs, media, industry specific

A crowdsourced sheet with salary data points by type of a company, gender, years of experience, etc. Talking about how much or how little money you make feels taboo, and it shouldn't. Knowledge is power and Glassdoor info is hit or miss. Wouldn't it be great to know what your peers make so you can use that to leverage a raise? Or if your company does a "market adjustment" yet you don't see the data, wouldn't it be great to know how accurate it is or isn't? So, let's share what we make and any relevant info to help each other learn our worth!

The One Club for Creativity - COVID- 19 Open Positions in Advertising and Design 2020 (Responses)

freelance, jobs, creative, media, marketing

A list of full-time and freelance work in design and advertising

Media ReDesign: The New Realities

journalism, social media, media

Do videos lead to violence