Artwork in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
A Guide to Purchasing Authentic Art from Redd
As of version 1.2.0 of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Crazy Redd has made his return from his tent in previous Animal Crossing games to the shores of players’ islands. Redd carries artwork and furniture on his boat, “Jolly Redd’s Treasure Trawler,” which docks on the shore of the secret beach. The secret beach can be located behind the cliffs on the north end of players’ island. When Redd visits players’ islands, he will carry four pieces of art and two pieces of furniture on his boat. Of the four pieces of art on display, only one can be purchased daily. Once the purchase has been made, the item can be received in the mail the following day.
Like in past games, Redd will sell genuine and forged artwork. Typically, Redd will sell one authentic work of art of the four works of art available for purchase. However, it is possible that all four items are forged, or more than one item is authentic. Genuine artwork can be donated to the Museum. Forged art cannot be donated to the Museum, nor sold to Timmy and Tommy at Nook’s Cranny. They must be disposed of using furniture that can dispose of trash, displayed anywhere on the island, or displayed within players’ homes.
This unofficial guide will help players distinguish between authentic and forged works of art in Animal Crossing: New Horizons[1]. Each forgery will have at least one visible distinction from the genuine work of art. There are a total of 43 works of art to find and donate to the Museum. All 43 artworks are based on real world paintings and sculptures. Below is the alphabetized list of artwork Redd sells, the real life artwork each item in the game is based on, and the difference(s) between the real and fake works of art in game.
Authentic Artwork
Of the 43 pieces of art Redd sells, 16 of them will always be authentic and do not have a fake version. They are as follows:
1. Calm Painting
2. Common Painting
3. Dynamic Painting
4. Flowery Painting
5. Glowing Painting
6. Moody Painting
7. Mysterious Painting
8. Nice Painting
9. Perfect Painting
10. Proper Painting
11. Sinking Painting
12. Twinkling Painting
13. Warm Painting
14. Worthy Painting
15. Familiar Statue
16. Great Statue
Throughout the rest of this guide, each of the above artworks will be highlighted in green.
academic painting
Vitruvian Man
da Vinci
There is a coffee cup stain on the top right corner of the fake painting. This stain is missing in the real version.
amazing painting
The Night Watch
The man wearing the red scarf in the middle of the fake painting is not wearing a hat. The man is wearing a black hat in the real one.
basic painting
The Blue Boy
When looking at the boy’s haircut, the boy has fuller and blunter bangs in the fake painting. The boy has a slight part on his right side in the real one.
calm painting
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
This will always be authentic.
common painting
The Gleaners
This will always be authentic.
detailed painting
Ajisai SĹŤkeizu
The fake painting has purple flowers, while the real one has blue flowers.
dynamic painting
Great Wave off Kanagawa
This will always be authentic.
famous painting
Mona Lisa
da Vinci
The woman has arched eyebrows in the fake painting. The woman in the real painting has fainter and straighter eyebrows.
flowery painting
van Gogh
This will always be authentic.
glowing painting
The Fighting Temeraire
This will always be authentic.
graceful painting
Beauty Looking Back
In the real painting, a small piece of the woman’s white collar peeks through the back of her hair. In the fake one, this piece of her collar is missing.
jolly painting
In the real painting, there is a flower coming from the person’s chest in the bottom right corner. In the fake one, this flower is missing.
moody painting
The Sower
This will always be authentic.
moving painting
The Birth of Venus
In the real painting, there are trees in the upper right corner. In the fake painting, these trees are missing and there are flowers in the upper right corner instead.
mysterious painting
Isle of the Dead
This will always be authentic.
nice painting
Young Flautist
This will always be authentic.
perfect painting
Apples and Oranges
This will always be authentic.
proper painting
A Bar at the Folies-Bergère
This will always be authentic.
quaint painting
The Milkmaid
In the fake painting, the mouth of the container of milk is wide, while it is narrow in the real one. The amount of milk being poured out in the fake painting is greater than the amount being poured out in the real painting.
scary painting
Otani Oniji II
In the fake painting, the man’s eyebrows are downturned and make him look sad. In the real painting, the man’s eyebrows are upturned and make him look angry.
scenic painting
The Hunters in the Snow
In the fake painting, there is only one hunter in the bottom left corner. In the real painting, there are two hunters in the bottom left corner.
serene painting
Lady with an Ermine
da Vinci
The lady in the fake painting is holding a gray and white ervine, while the lady in the real painting is holding a fully white ervine.
sinking painting
This will always be genuine.
solemn painting
Las Meninas
When looking at the man in the doorway in the background of the fake painting, the man appears to be waving and has his right hand out. In the real painting, the man’s right hand is behind, or holding, the curtain.
twinkling painting
Starry Night
van Gogh
This will always be genuine.
warm painting
The Clothed Maja
This will always be genuine.
wild painting (left)
FĹ«jin[2] And Raijin
“Wind God and Thunder God”
The figure is dark green in the fake one, while it is white in the real one.
wild painting (right)
FĹ«jin And Raijin[3]
“Wind God and Thunder God”
The figure is white in the fake one, while it is dark green in the real one.
wistful painting
Girl with a Pearl Earring
In the fake painting, the girl’s earring is star-shaped, while the earring is pearl-shaped in the real one.
worthy painting
Liberty Leading the People
This will always be genuine.
ancient statue
The fake statue has two antennae coming out of its ears, while the real one does not.
beautiful statue
Venus de Milo
The fake statue is wearing three necklaces, while the real one is wearing none.
familiar statue
The Thinker
This will always be authentic.
gallant statue
The fake statue is carrying a book under his right arm. The real one is not.
great statue
King Kamehameha I
This will always be authentic.
informative statue
Rosetta Stone
The fake stone is blue, while the real one is gray.
motherly statue
Capitoline Wolf
The fake statue has its tongue sticking out, while the real one does not.
mystic statue
Bust of Nefertiti
The fake bust has an earring on its right ear. The real one is not wearing earrings.
robust statue
Discobolus of Myron
The fake statue is wearing a watch on the arm holding the disc, while the real one is not.
rock-head statue
Olmec Colossal Head by Unknown
The fake head is smiling, with the corners of its lips upturned. The real one has a more neutral expression.
tremendous statue
Houmuwu Ding by Unknown
The fake statue has a lid on it, while the real one does not.
valiant statue
Nike of Samothrace
In the real one, Nike’s right leg is in front of her left leg. In the fake one, it is the opposite and her left leg appears bare.
The pleat below her bust in the fake one is higher on her left side than it is on her right side. In the real one, it is the opposite.
It appears the fake and real statues are mirror images of each other.
warrior statue
Terracotta Soldier
The fake soldier is holding a shovel. In the real one, the soldier is not holding a shovel and is grasping his left wrist with his right hand.
Animal Crossing World
Eddie Lehecka
Sara Mei Wayne
[1] Please note, the differences between authentic and forged works of art are not the same as they were in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
[2] When both sides of the wild painting are put together, FĹ«jin should be the dark green figure on the right side of the painting.
[3] When both sides of the wild painting are put together, Raijin should be the white figure on the left side of the painting.