Inflation Reduction Act: Climate, Energy, and EJ Provisions

A cost breakdown of climate, energy and environment sections of "Inflation Reduction Act".

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Inflation Reduction Act: Climate, Energy, and EJ Provisions

A cost breakdown of climate, energy and environment sections of Inflation Reduction Act.

politics, USA, 2022, climate, finance

Inflation Reduction Act: Climate / Energy / Environmental Justice Provisions

Text of the bill can be found here

Dollar estimates for the tax credits can be found here

Click here for a spreadsheet version of this summary (with comparisons to prior bill versions)

Created by Ben Beachy, Vice President for Industrial Policy at BlueGreen Alliance. For questions: [email protected]


* Tax Credits

* Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit

* Sec. 13101: Extension and modification of credit for electricity produced from certain renewable resources

* Dollar amount: $51.062 billion

* Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit

* Sec. 13702: Clean electricity investment credit

* Dollar amount: $50.858 billion

* Nuclear Production Tax Credit

* Sec. 13105: Zero-emission nuclear power production credit

* Dollar amount: $30.001 billion

* Energy Investment Tax Credit

* Sec. 13102: Extension and modification of energy credit

* Dollar amount: $13.962 billion

* Clean Electricity Production Tax Credit

* Sec. 13701: Clean electricity production credit

* Dollar amount: $11.204 billion

* Carbon Capture Tax Credit

* Sec. 13104: Extension and Modification of Credit for Carbon Oxide Sequestration

* Dollar amount: $3.229 billion

* Cost Recovery for Energy Technology

* Sec. 13703: Cost recovery for qualified facilities, qualified property, and energy storage technology

* Dollar amount: $0.624 billion

* Low-Income Solar and Wind Investment Tax Credit

* Sec. 13103: Increase in energy credit for solar and wind facilities placed in service in connection with low-income communities

* Dollar amount: Included in the Sec. 13101 and Sec. 13102 tax credits

* Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

* Sec. 60103: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

* Dollar amount: $27 billion

* Rural Electric Cooperative Loans

* Sec: 22004: USDA assistance for rural electric cooperatives

* Dollar amount: $9.7 billion

* Energy Infrastructure Reinvestments

* Sec. 50144: Energy infrastructure reinvestment financing

* Dollar amount: $5 billion (and $250 billion in loan guarantee authority)

* Clean Energy Loan Guarantees

* Sec. 50141: Funding for Department of Energy Loan Programs Office

* Dollar amount: $3.6 billion (and $40 billion in loan guarantee authority)

* Transmission Facility Loans

* Sec. 50151: Transmission facility financing

* Dollar amount: $2 billion

* National Laboratory Investments

* Sec. 50172: National laboratory infrastructure

* Dollar amount: $2 billion

* Office of Science – $1.55 billion

* Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management – $0.15 billion

* Office of Nuclear Energy – $0.15 billion

* Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – $0.15 billion

* Rural Energy for America Program

* Sec. 22002: Rural Energy for America Program

* Dollar amount: $1.177 billion

* Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies: $1 billion

* Underutilized renewable energy technologies: $0.177 billion

* Rural Renewable Energy Loans

* Sec. 22001: Additional funding for electric loans for renewable energy

* Dollar amount: $1 billion

* Interstate Transmission Line Grants

* Sec. 50152: Grants to facilitate the siting of interstate electricity transmission lines

* Dollar amount: $0.76 billion

* Uranium Investments

* Sec. 50173: Availability of high-assay low-enriched uranium

* Dollar amount: $0.7 billion

* Interregional Transmission Planning Investments

* Sec. 50153: Interregional and offshore wind electricity transmission planning, modeling, and analysis

* Dollar amount: $0.1 billion

* Tribal Energy Loan Guarantees

* Sec. 50145: Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program

* Dollar amount: $0.075 billion

* Offshore Wind Leasing

* Sec. 50251: Leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf

* Dollar amount: N/A

* Fossil Fuel Resources

* Sec. 50261: Offshore oil and gas royalty rate; Sec. 50262: Mineral Leasing Act modernization; Sec. 50263: Royalties on all extracted methane; Sec. 50264: Lease sales under the 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Program; Sec. 50265: Ensuring energy security

* Dollar amount: N/A


* Tax Credits

* New EV Tax Credit

* Sec. 13401: Clean vehicle credit

* Dollar amount: $7.541 billion

* Biodiesel Tax Credits

* Sec. 13201: Extension of incentives for biodiesel, renewable diesel, and alternative fuels; Sec. 13202: Extension of second-generation biofuel incentives

* Dollar amount: $5.625 billion

* Commercial EV Tax Credit

* Sec. 13403: Qualified commercial clean vehicles

* Dollar amount: $3.583 billion

* Clean Fuel Production Tax Credit

* Sec. 13704: Clean fuel production credit

* Dollar amount: $2.946 billion

* EV Charging / Alt Fuel Tax Credit

* Sec. 13404: Alternative fuel refueling property credit

* Dollar amount: $1.738 billion

* Used EV Tax Credit

* Sec. 13402: Credit for previously owned clean vehicles

* Dollar amount: $1.347 billion

* Aviation Fuel Tax Credit

* Sec: 13203: Sustainable Aviation Fuel Credit

* Dollar amount: $0.049 billion

* Neighborhood Access and Equity Grants

* Sec. 60501: Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant Program

* Dollar amount: $3.045 billion

* USPS Clean Fleet Investments

* Sec. 70002: United State Postal Service Clean Fleets

* Dollar amount: $3 billion

* Clean Ports Investments

* Sec. 60102: Grants to reduce air pollution at ports

* Dollar amount: $3 billion

* Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Vehicle Investments

* Sec. 60101: Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles

* Dollar amount: $1 billion

* Low-Emission Aviation Grants

* Sec. 40007: Alternative fuel and low-emission aviation technology program

* Dollar amount: $0.297 billion

* Biofuels Investments

* Sec. 60108: Funding for Section 211(O) of the Clean Air Act

* Dollar amount: $0.015 billion


* Tax Credits

* Residential Clean Electricity Tax Credit

* Sec. 13302: Residential clean energy credit

* Dollar amount: $22.022 billion

* Residential Energy Efficiency Tax Credit

* Sec. 13301: Extension, increase, and modifications of nonbusiness energy property credit

* Dollar amount: $12.451 billion

* New Energy Efficient Home Tax Credit

* Sec. 13304: Extension, increase, and modifications of new energy efficient home credit

* Dollar amount: $2.043 billion

* Commercial Energy Efficiency Tax Deduction

* Sec. 13303: Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction

* Dollar amount: $0.362 billion

* Home Electrification and Energy Efficiency Rebates

* Sec. 50121: Home energy performance-based, whole house rebates; Sec. 50122: High-efficiency electric home rebate program; Sec. 50123: State-based home energy efficiency contractor training grants

* Dollar amount: $9 billion

* Whole-house energy efficiency retrofit rebates – $4.3 billion

* Electrification rebates – $4.5 billion

* Training for contractors – $0.2 billion

* Affordable Housing Resilience and Efficiency Investments

* Sec. 30002: Improving energy efficiency or water efficiency or climate resilience of affordable housing

* Dollar amount: $1 billion

* Efficient Building Code Adoption Grants

* Sec. 50131: Assistance for latest and zero building energy code adoption

* Dollar amount $1 billion

* Federal Building Investments

* Sec. 60502: Assistance for federal buildings

* Dollar amount: $0.25 billion


* Tax Credits

* Wind, Solar, and Battery Manufacturing Production Tax Credit

* Sec. 13502: Advanced manufacturing production credit

* Dollar amount: $30.632 billion

* Hydrogen Production Tax Credit

* Sec: 13204: Clean Hydrogen

* Dollar amount: $13.166 billion

* Clean Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit

* Sec. 13501: Extension of the advanced energy project credit

* Dollar amount: $6.255 billion

* Industrial Emissions Reduction Investments

* Sec. 50161: Advanced Industrial Facilities Deployment Program

* Dollar amount: $5.812 billion

* Low-Carbon Materials Investments

* Sec. 60112: Environmental Product Declaration Assistance; Sec. 60116: Low-embodied carbon labeling for construction materials; Sec. 60503: Use of low-carbon materials; Sec. 60504: General Services Administration emerging technologies; Sec. 60506: Low-carbon transportation materials grants; Sec. 70006: FEMA building materials program

* Dollar amount: $5.475 billion

* Federal Buildings Fund – $2.15 billion

* Federal Highway Administration – $2 billion

* General Services Fund – $0.975 billion

* Environmental Product Declarations – $0.25 billion

* Low-embodied carbon labeling – $0.1 billion

* EV Manufacturing Loans

* Sec. 50142: Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing

* Dollar amount: $3 billion

* EV Manufacturing Grants

* Sec. 50143: Domestic manufacturing conversion grants

* Dollar amount: $2 billion

* Defense Production Act

* Sec. 30001: Enhanced use of Defense Production Act of 1950

* Dollar amount: $0.5 billion

Environmental Justice and Community Resilience

* Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

* Sec. 60114: Climate pollution reduction grants

* Dollar amount: $5 billion

* Drought Response Investments

* Sec. 50231: Bureau of Reclamation domestic water supply projects; Sec. 50232: Canal improvement projects; Sec. 50233: Drought mitigation in the reclamation states

Inflation Reduction Act: Climate, Energy, and EJ Provisions
Tags Politics, USA, 2022, Climate, Finance
Type Google Doc
Published 24/04/2024, 10:49:05


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