Welcome to The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls card list spreadsheet. http://fssheet.com is maintainted by egghorse Here's a total count of all the cards in each set... Base Game: 340 Expansions Gold Box: 68 Plus: 98 Requiem: 269 Promos Star: 21 Target: 3 Gish: 2 Tapeworm: 7 Dick Knots: 1 Unboxing: 40 G Fuel: 4 Retro: 2 Warp Zone: 99 Alt Art: 63 Challenges: 6 The Legend of Bum-bo: 2 Youtooz: 2 (UNRELEASED) Current Total: 1,027 [1,025 currently released] (Base game & expansions: 775, Promos: 252 [250 currently released]) The entirety of Four Souls can be seen in the following sheets, organized by card-type and further by set. Provided are plain-text versions of every card, as well as notes regarding artists and card unlock methods. A note regarding Deck Ratios: The Treasure Deck, Loot Deck and Monster Deck sheets all have a column titled "Ratio." While The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls can be played using every single card you can get your hands on, in order to ensure the proper, intended balance, it is recommended to keep these three decks at 100 cards each, split up by the provided deck ratios (and associated number of cards in said ratio, in parantheses). How you decide which cards to use to fill each ratio is completely up to you (as is deciding whether or not to play with the deck ratios at all). Hope that clears things up! Feel free to contact me at egghorse on Discord if you have any questions or suggestions for ways to improve the spreadsheet.