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Games Playable Distribution Environment API Resolution Monitor FPS Settings Specs Notes Source
A Total War Saga: Troy yes Rosetta 2 50 FPS medium MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB youtube
AER: Memories of Old yes Steam Rosetta 2 2560 × 1600 30-50 FPS Maximum settings 30-50 FPS
Age of Empires II HD Edition yes Steam CrossOver 1440 × 900 default settings MacBook Air M1 8GB it runs but has hiccups every second, launcher can't display text. if you launch the game there is a 3 second freeze
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition yes Steam CrossOver 1440 × 900 default MacBook Air M1 8GB RWorks perfectly fine. Playable without desync issues. Using the 11.1 Big Sur beta (instructions see source) reddit reddit
Age of Wonders: Planetfall yes Steam Rosetta 2 1440 × 900 no default MacBook Air M1 8GB varies, good when it runs, crashes occasionally
Albion Online yes Steam 1920 × 1200 yes default settings Mac mini M1 8GB smooth
Alien isolation yes Steam Rosetta 2 1920 × 1200 yes 30 FPS Turned everything to “off” or lowest. At default settings it would run single digit FPS, with everything on low it ran 30+ Mac mini M1 16GB Lowest settings I got 30+ FPS at all times. With default settings it got ~7 FPS.
Alien: Isolation yes Steam Rosetta 2 1440 × 900 7-12 FPS Multiple graphical settings from low to high and resolutions from 1024 x 768 upwards MacBook Air M1 8GB Very slow and blurry, only 7-12 FPS, Effectively unplayable reddit
Alien: Isolation yes Steam Rosetta 2 1440 × 900 Everything low or off, but you can get away with leaving some on MacBook Air M1 8GB (7 GPU) Seems playable, I didn't leave the cryochamber
American Truck Simulator yes Steam Rosetta 2 2880 × 1800 30 FPS MacBook Air M1 8GB FPS measured with Steam FPS tool. Will run on High setting at 2880 × 1800 with about 22-25 FPS. Seems to be capped at 30 FPS in any setting.
Among Us yes iOS Native Metal 1080p ? ? Default MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB reddit
Among Us yes iOS Native Metal ? ? Default MacBook Air M1 8GB keyboard input (WASD to move, Q: Kill, R: Report, E or space: Use, Tab: Map, Esc: Quit a task) is not supported but works via AmongKey workaround (see source) source youtube
Among Us yes CrossOver 1080p 60 FPS Default MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB Some bugs with player movement randomly not working
Asphalt 9 Legends yes App Store Rosetta 2 Metal 60 FPS MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB runs well youtube
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood no Steam Rosetta 2 MacBook Air M1 8GB
Baba is You yes Steam Rosetta 2 2560 × 1600 60 FPS default settings MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB locked to 60 fps, runs out of the box after downloading with Steam
Baldur's Gate 3 yes Steam Rosetta 2 1440 × 900 30 FPS medium MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB works great twitter twitter twitter youtube
Baldur's Gate 3 yes Steam Rosetta 2 1280 × 800 60 FPS lowest MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB works great twitter twitter twitter youtube
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition yes Steam Crossover 20 Native (scales) 25-28 FPS Default settings MacBook Air M1 8GB 25-28 FPS
Banished yes Steam Crossover 20 1440 × 900 30 FPS Default MacBook Air M1 8GB At least 30 FPS
Bastion yes Steam Rosetta 2 1920 × 1200 no 60 FPS everything maxed out MacBook Pro 13" M1 16GB butter smooth
Batman: Arkham City yes Steam Rosetta 2 Metal 1080p ? 60 FPS Highest Quality Preset MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB reddit youtube
Battle Brothers ? let us know Steam CrossOver
Bioshock 2: Remastered yes Steam Rosetta 2 Metal 1920 × 1080 yes 60 FPS default MacBook Air M1 8GB (8 GPU cores) BioShock 2 Remastered (Steam) runs excellently on MacBook Air 2020 512GB with 8 GPU cores. Butter smooth performance in combat at 60+ FPS which is impressive in a laptop with no fans at all. youtube
Bioshock 2: Remastered yes Rosetta 2 Metal 1080p ? 60 FPS Highest Quality Preset MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB reddit
Bioshock Remastered yes Steam Rosetta 2 2880 × 1800 45-60 FPS Default MacBook Air M1 8GB Runs at between 45-60 FPS. Very smooth performance, no glitches seen
Bloons TD Battles yes Steam Rosetta 2 OpenGL 1440p ? 60+ FPS N/A MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB No issues, runs exacly the same
Bomber Crew yes Steam Rosetta 2 1920 × 1080 yes 40-50 FPS Game default Mac mini M1 16GB 45-50 fps
Borderlands 2 yes Rosetta 2 Metal 1080p ? 45 FPS Highest Quality Preset MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB reddit
Borderlands 2 yes Rosetta 2 Metal 1650 × 1050 ? 60 FPS vsync on MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB Borderlands 2 runs stable 60 fps for me a 1650x1050 capped 60fps vsync on
Borderlands 2 yes Rosetta 2 Metal 1440 × 900 ? 52-60 FPS MacBook Air M1 8GB reddit
Borderlands 3 yes Rosetta 2 Metal 1080p ? 22.97 Highest Quality Preset MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB reddit youtube
Borderlands 3 yes Rosetta 2 Metal 1080p ? 30-40 medium MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB reddit youtube
Brawlhalla ? let us know
Bugsnax yes yes 60 FPS MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB crashes occasionally youtube
Call of Duty Mobile yes iOS sideload Native windowed MacBook Air M1 8GB Smooth only no fullscreen (stays small) Controller works
Call of Duty: Black Ops II ? let us know
Call of Duty: Black Ops III yes 50-60 FPS defaults MacBook Air M1 8GB everything felt smooth, works flawlessly in highest settings available, but only few minutes until your account get banned :( SoC power consumption is around 3.5W youtube
Call of Duty: Warzone ? let us know
Castle Crashers yes Steam Rosetta 2 2560 × 1600 60 FPS Resolution: 2560 × 1600 Full screen: On Letterbox: On Vertical Sync: On Texture quality: Ultra MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB Over 60 fps at all times. reddit
Caves of Qud ? let us know Steam
Celeste no Steam MacBook Air M1 8GB Crashes after start, possibly XNA framework related issue
Cities: Skylines yes Steam Rosetta 2 ? ? ? MacBook Pro 13" M1 ?GB does not great twitter
Cities: Skylines yes Steam Rosetta 2 3440 × 1440 ? 30-48 FPS Mac mini M1 8GB runs decently well on the fastest game speed in early game reddit
Cities: Skylines yes Steam Rosetta 2 1440 × 900 ? 44-60 FPS MacBook Air M1 8GB runs decently well on the fastest game speed in early game reddit
Civilization V yes Steam Rosetta 2 1440p ? 60 FPS Default MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB on a fresh game
Civilization VI yes Steam Rosetta 2 ? ? 30-54 FPS Mac mini M1 8GB silent reddit
Civilization: Beyond Earth yes Steam Rosetta 2 ? 1440 × 900 ? 175 FPS medium MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB silent
Clash Of Clans yes iOS (manual IPA) Native Metal native ? ? Default MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB Needs a manual IPA file to install, not on App Store
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 no CrossOver Rosetta 2 1920 × 1080 yes medium MacBook Air M1 8GB (8 GPU) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 runs well via CrossOver and I would definitely say completable on this computer and runs at good framerates. youtube twitter
Company of Heroes 2 yes Steam Rosetta 2 1440 × 900 50 FPS Default MacBook Air M1 8GB 50 FPS reddit
Company of Heroes 2 yes Steam Rosetta 2 2560 × 1600 33 FPS Default MacBook Air M1 8GB 33 FPS average reddit
Counter Strike: Global Offensive yes Steam Rosetta 2 1920x1080 yes 50-80 FPS everything medium, 4x MSAA, bilinear FXAA MacBook Pro 13" M1 16GB 50-80FPS
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive yes Steam Rosetta 2 ? 30-60 FPS Mac mini M1 8GB get Big Sur 11.1 beta, wait until black screen passes (see source) youtube
Crusader Kings 3 yes Steam Rosetta 2 1920 × 1080 yes Low Mac mini M1 16GB Low fps according to steam's own overlay but playable
Crusader Kings II no Steam Rosetta 2 MacBook Air M1 8GB
Crusader Kings III yes Steam Rosetta 2 1440 × 900 Default MacBook Air M1 8GB good
Crysis yes Steam CrossOver 2560 × 1600 Recommend (2k resolution with all options max) Mac mini M1 8GB Around 45fps for built in GPU benchmark, 25fps for built in CPU benchmark.
Crysis no Steam CrossOver MacBook Pro M1 13" 16GB crashes as soon as you click play
Crysis yes DVD CrossOver 2560 x 1600 high MacBook Pro M1 13" 16GB used via no-cd/dvd patch, Audio is choppy at times
CS:GO yes Steam Rosetta 2 1920 × 1200 60 FPS High MacBook Air M1 8GB Runs very smoothly at 60 FPS, The laptop temperature goes high after playing for long period of time which will cause FPS drops (This doesn't happen when on medium settings).
Cuphead yes Rosetta 2 Metal 1080p ? 60 FPS Default MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB reddit
Dancing Line yes Mac App Store Native default MacBook Pro 13" M1 16GB Good
Dark Raider yes iOS MacBook Air M1 8GB controller support works youtube
Dark Souls ? let us know
Dark Souls 2 ? let us know
Dark Souls 3 ? let us know
Dark Souls Remastered yes Steam CrossOver 2000 x 900 yes 50-60 FPS All graphics options turned on MacBook Pro 13" M1 16GB Run through CrossOver on Big Sur Beta (11.1)
Darkest Dungeon yes Steam Rosetta 2 Worked perfectly! reddit
Dayturn viewer for OpenSim yes Rosetta 2 twitter
Dead Cells yes Steam CrossOver 60 FPS MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB no controller support yet, runs great at full speed source
Dead Trigger 2 yes Rosetta 2 Metal 1080p ? 60 FPS Highest Quality Preset MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB reddit
DeadCore no Steam Rosetta 2 yes Mac mini M1 16GB
Death Stranding ? let us know
Defcon yes Steam Rosetta 2 1440 × 900 Default settings MacBook Air M1 8GB No FPS count but runs smoothly without any interruptions
Desperados 3 yes yes 60 FPS high MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB youtube
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided yes Rosetta 2 Metal 1080p ? 24 FPS Highest Quality Preset MacBook Pro 13" M1 8GB reddit
Devil Daggers ? let us know Steam
Devil May Cry