BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers

The BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers spreadsheet is intended for use by instructors of undergraduate/graduate-level psychology courses to help diversify their syllabi.

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BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers

The BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers spreadsheet is intended for use by instructors of undergraduate/graduate-level psychology courses to help diversify their syllabi.

psychology, higher education, teaching

The BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers spreadsheet is intended for use by instructors of undergraduate/graduate-level psychology courses to help diversify their syllabi.

BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous and People of Color. The term encompasses all people of color, but with emphasis on Black and Indigenous people to

highlight the unique oppression they have faced due to white supremacy. Thus, this database is indended to include all authors who identify as people of

color, but the hope is that Black and Indigenous authors are very well-represented.

For more information on BIPOC:

This resource is intended to be a starting point, not a panacea.

When selecting papers from the spreadsheet, instructors are encouraged to think carefully about the voices, topics, and questions that are missing from their classroom.

Instructors should consider how to explicitly highlight the achievements and ideas of BIPOC scientists without tokenizing them.

Click on the All Papers tab to see all submissions. Lists by subfield on are subsequent tabs.

Subfield filters are: Applied, Clinical, Cognitive, Developmental, Educational, Health, Neuroscience, Sensation/Perception, Social/Personality, Quantitative

To submit a paper to this database, fill out this form:

You are encouraged to submit your own work!

If you appear in the spreadsheet and would like to be removed, please contact me via email (see below)

This spreadsheet is moderated by Erica Wojcik, Assistant Professor at Skidmore College (ewojcik [at] skidmore [dot] edu).

Allow ~one week for your submission to be added to the spreadsheet. Thanks for being patient!

Please reach out if you have any comments/suggestions, particulary regarding the additional resources listed in the second tab.

Note: I do revisit the Subfield options periodically. The goal is to make it easy for instructors to find what they are looking for

and so there is a balance to strike between lumping and splitting. If, when submitting, you do not see your discipine and it doesn't

fit neatly into one of the available subfields, please feel free to write it in in the "Other" tab. Else, use the Topic field in the

submission form to provide more detail about the topic

BIPOC-authored Psychology Papers
Tags Psychology, Higher education, Teaching
Type Google Sheet
Published 03/05/2024, 15:49:06


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