Hi y’all! I always reply to any news articles or viral tweets addressing abortion with information about local abortion funds, and several people asked me to compile the tweets into a shareable document! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please DM me on Twitter (@helmsinki).
This document contains sample language for tweets related to promoting abortion access in every state. Whether or not you copy paste this language into tweets, I encourage y’all to follow and donate to the organizations I have cited. If you share this document, I recommend using the url I made: https://bit.ly/AbortionFundsTwitter
An AMAZING staff member at Squarespace helped me transform my document into a website! Check it out at https://donations4abortion.com or https://donateabortions.com (same site, 2 links) and please share!
Abortion is still legal in [insert state here]! Check out https://ineedana.com to find the clinic and funds nearest you.
Anyone looking for ways to help abortion access in the US right now should check out this document @helmsinki created with info about abortion funds specific to each state: https://bit.ly/AbortionFundsTwitter
There is also a website version: https://donateabortions.com
There is a strong network of abortion funds throughout the country that have provided financial and practical support for decades! Folks can visit http://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion to find their local fund
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in the United States should donate to @AbortionCare to keep independent clinics (which provide 2/3 of abortions in the US) open at https://keepourclinics.org or to their local @AbortionFunds! https://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion
There are practical support orgs throughout the US that help abortion seekers travel to different states for their procedures, such as @BrigidAlliance and @MidwestAccess!
Brigid: https://brigidalliance.org/donation/
MAC: https://midwestaccesscoalition.org/pages/donate
This a great opportunity to remind people that not just women get abortions! Say people instead of women and acknowledge the experiences of trans men and nonbinary people who have abortions 💕 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002937820311261
There are already existing networks of abortion funds, abortion clinics, and websites to help abortion seekers locate the best ones for them, such as @AbortionCare and @i_need_an_a!
ACN: https://abortioncarenetwork.org/find-a-clinic/
I Need An A: https://ineedana.com 😊
I encourage everyone to donate to @IWRising 😊 their initiatives include financial and practical support for Indigenous abortion seekers in the US and Canada, midwifery support, and advocacy surrounding repro justice related issues! https://iwrising.org
Anyone who's taking or planning on taking abortion pills at home can call or text @reprocarefund at 1-833-226-7821 for information, support, and referrals. Visit https://reprocare.com to learn more!
There are ways to legally get an abortion without your parents' permission if you are under 18! Visit https://judicialbypasswiki.ifwhenhow.org/ to find info specific to each state or call the @ifwhenhow JB Helpline: 844-868-2812
The @Abortion_Squad is an organization that combats abortion-related misinformation and connects people with resources on various subreddits! Learn more about them at https://abortionsquad.org and help sustain their essential work: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/oars
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Alabama should donate to @ARC_Southeast or Linda D!
ARC: https://arc-southeast.org/donate
Linda D: http://alabamareproductiverightsadvocates.com/thelindadfoundation
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Alaska should donate to @nwaafund! https://nwaafund.org/donate
Folks can donate to three Arizona abortion funds at once at this link, including @abortionfundAZ, @IWRising, and Tuscon Abortion Support Collective! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/arizonafunds
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Arkansas should donate to @ARAbortionSppt! https://www.arabortionsupport.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in California should donate to @access_rj! https://www.classy.org/give/312683/#!/donation/checkout
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Colorado should donate to @CobaltAdvocates @COdoulaproject and @bvwhc!
Cobalt: https://secure.everyaction.com/nQGxfqOdwEa31h-ZqEpCyg2
CDP: https://www.coloradodoulaproject.org/donate
BVWHC: https://www.boulderwomenshealth.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Connecticut should donate to @reachfundct!
REACH: https://www.reachfundct.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Washington DC should donate to @DCAbortionFund! https://dcabortionfund.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Delaware should donate to First State Abortion Fund! https://www.firststateabortionfund.org/donate/
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Florida can use this link to donate to 6 abortion funds at once, including @FLAccessNetwork, @ARC_Southeast, @EMAwpb and @tbafund! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/fundabortionfl?refcode=social
Abortion seekers in Guam can now access abortion through telemedicine! https://www.guampdn.com/news/court-grants-preliminary-injunction-for-doctors-in-telemedicine-abortion-case/article_3661e7d2-0c86-11ec-9c96-376b3ea34690.html
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Georgia should donate to @ARC_Southeast and @FWHC!
ARC: https://arc-southeast.org/donate
FWHC: https://www.feministcenter.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Hawaii should donate to the @af3irmhawaii abortion fund and UH Reproductive Justice Fund!
AF3IRM: https://www.gofundme.com/f/hawaii-abortion-fund-feel-free-to-change
UH: https://giving.uhfoundation.org/funds/12751604
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Idaho should donate to @nwaafund! https://nwaafund.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Illinois should donate to @ChiAbortionFund and @HopeClinicWomen!
CAF: https://chicagoabortionfund.salsalabs.org/makeadonation/index.html
Hope: https://hopeclinic.com/public-info/how-to-help/
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Indiana should donate to @WWHAlliance and @AllOptionsPRC Hoosier Fund!
All Options: https://all-options.networkforgood.com/projects/96126-all-options-mutual-aid-campaign
WWH: https://crm.bloomerang.co/HostedDonation?ApiKey=pub_530b5a93-1dcd-11ea-8134-0ab2f2f28c00&WidgetId=205824
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Iowa should donate to @IAAFund and @EmmaGoldmanIowa!
IAAF: https://www.iowaabortionaccessfund.org/product/donation
Emma G: https://emmagoldman.networkforgood.com/projects/51313-the-emma-goldman-clinic
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Kansas should donate to @KansasAF! https://kansasabortionfund.org/give-1
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Kentucky should donate to @KyHealthJustice! http://www.kentuckyhealthjusticenetwork.org/donate.html
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Louisiana should donate to @NolaAbortionFnd! https://www.louisianaabortionfund.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Maine should donate to SAFE Maine @MabelWadsworth and @FPAMaine!
SAFE: https://safemaine.org/donate-today/
Mabel: https://www.mabelwadsworth.org/donate/
FPA: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=fpamaine&id=10
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Massachusetts should donate to @EMA_Fund @ARFWM @JaneFundMA and @tidesforchange!
EMA: https://emafund.org/donate
ARFWM: https://arfwm.org/donate
Jane: https://janefund.org/donate
Tides: https://www.tidesforchange.org/give
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Maryland should donate to @BaltimoreFund and @WWHAlliance!
BAF: https://www.baltimoreabortionfund.org/donate
WWH: https://crm.bloomerang.co/HostedDonation?ApiKey=pub_530b5a93-1dcd-11ea-8134-0ab2f2f28c00&WidgetId=205824
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Michigan should donate to @Reclaim_Project, Fountain Street Choice Fund, and Reproductive Access Fund!
Reclaim: https://reclaimproject.org/donate/
Fountain Street: https://fountainstreet.churchcenter.com/giving
Repro Access: https://reproductiveaccessfund.com/more/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Minnesota should donate to @OurJusticeRJ @JustThePill and the Hot Dish Militia!
Our Justice: https://www.ourjustice.net/donate
Just the Pill: https://www.justthepill.com/donate/
Hot Dish Militia: https://www.hotdishmilitia.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Mississippi should donate to @ARC_Southeast! https://arc-southeast.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Missouri should donate to @MOAbortionFund! https://mofund.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Montana should donate to @SWicklundFund! https://www.susanwicklundfund.org/donate/
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Nebraska should donate to @NebraskaAR and @carerepro!
NEAR: https://givebutter.com/near
CARE: https://abortionclinics.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in Nevada should donate to @wildwestfund! https://www.wildwestfund.org/donate
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in New Hampshire should donate to @ReproFundNH and @loveringhealth! RFFNH:
Lovering: https://joangloveringhealthcenter.org/donate/
Anyone interested in promoting abortion access in New Jersey should donate to @NJAA