Lock Down Demos & Practical Links

Science demos and practicals for every subject and key stage from youTube. Useful for teaching chemistry, biology and physics remotely.

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Lock Down Demos & Practical Links

Science demos and practicals for every subject and key stage from youTube. Useful for teaching chemistry, biology and physics remotely.

teaching, remote learning, science, classroom

Topic Link Title Description Type Attachment Attachment Link

Reactivity series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UII0P3btVNI Displacement reactions to determine order of reactivity This video discusses the reactivity of metals and how we can order them based on this. It shows various displacement reactions of metals with a metal salt solution. It discusses the results of these reactions and explains what is happening in the reactions. It then uses this to put the metals in order of reactivity. Demo FALSE

Acids and Bases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I18K2upEHLc Making a red cabbage indicator This video describes how to make an indicator out of red cabbage, using equipment found in the home. It starts off defining an indicator is, then outlines the equipment needed and safety. The cabbage is mixed with hot water and blended, then filtered. They then test the indicator using various household items. It finishes by discussing the theory of pH and the pH scale. Demo FALSE

Acids and Bases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp4x1SOGyLA Red and blue litmus tests This video shows how to test an acid, a base and a neutral solution using red and blue litmus. It shows the results for red and blue litmus with each solution, even giving a quick way to remember "blue = base". Demo FALSE

Particles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-i05iyNHpo Dissolving This video discusses dissolving and the key terms associated with it. It shows salt being added to water. The misconception around the solid "disappearing" is addressed. Particle diagrams are used to explain the theory behind dissolving. Then discusses ways to speed up the rate at which something dissolves, e.g. stirring, increase temperature,etc. Finishes by discussing saturated solutions. Keywords defined in the video include: solvent, solute, solution, soluble, insoluble and saturation. Demo FALSE

Particles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE3OmStf7jg Collapsing can This video shows the collapsing can demonstration. It shows the equipment used and the method which includes adding water to the can which is then heated and then turning it upside down and submerging it in cold water. It explains that the can collapses due to a decrease in pressure in the inside of the can compared to outside the can. Demo FALSE

Particles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgbR-K1ff-w Rate of diffusion of hot and cold water This video shows potassium permanganate being added to a beaker of hot water and a beaker of cold water simultaneously. It demonstrates that the colour spreads throughout the hot beaker quicker than the cold beaker. Demo FALSE

Acids and Bases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVOZe3fnoX0 Neutralisation (indigestion remedy) This video discusses neutralisation through the story of a person with indigestion. It works through how to solve the problem by getting rid of the indigestion through a neutralisation reaction. It uses vinegar to represent stomach acid and they have to determine which of the substance to use to get rid of the person's indigestion. It demonstrates this within the video by testing sugar, salt and bicarbonate of soda as possible indigestion remedies by adding them to the vinegar. Demo FALSE

Reactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dbq0KJ-HRw Thermal decomposition of metal carbonates This video discusses thermal decomposition of a metal carbonate. It starts off by going through a diagram of the equipment and the expected result of limewater going cloudy/milky. It defines the term and goes through the general equation for the reaction. Then it gives the examples of magnesium carbonate and copper carbonate. It finishes by showing the practical being completed using copper carbonate. Demo FALSE

Reactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wzJQFl1k9I Products of combustion of fuels This video discusses what happens when a candle is burnt. It identifies the products when a hydrocarbon is burnt as water and carbon dioxide. They prove this by collecting the gases produced by having a cooled test tube to collect any water vapour and use limewater to test whether carbon dioxide is produced. Demo FALSE

Reactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epDGHnwaVJY Burning Magnesium This video discusses the reaction of magnesium in oxygen to form magnesium oxide. It shows the symbol equation for the reaction and explains heat is required for the reaction to occur. They then demonstrate this reaction showing magnesium being burnt and then a white powder of magnesium oxide at the end. Demo FALSE

Reactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFaxkBYuH2o Reaction of Iron and Sulfur This video demonstrates the reaction of iron and sulfur. It starts off by showing that iron is magnetic and sulfur is not. They then mix them together and both elements keep their properties. They then heat this mixture together forming iron sulfide, which is shown to be non-magnetic. Demo FALSE

Reactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwmsy4huZQ0 Conservation of mass This video discusses the law of conservation of mass. It starts off by defining the law of conservation. Then they get the starting materials needed for their reaction and weigh them to determine their mass. They then mix the chemicals and a precipitate forms showing a reaction has taken place. They then show that the mass of the products is the same as the reactants by re-weighing it. Demo FALSE

Reactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTDRtSGNMtM Exothermic and endothermic reactions This video shows the an exothermic reaction and an endothermic reaction. The initial reaction is between vinegar and baking soda. The temperature of the reaction decreases so is endothermic. The second reaction is between vinegar and steel wool. The temperature of this reaction increase so is exothermic. Demo FALSE

Reactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUwc953GOA Thermite reaction This video discusses the thermite reaction. It starts by explaining that the reaction is a displacement reaction and aluminium, which is higher in the reactivity series, displaces the iron. The reaction is then shown in the video, highlighting the need for accuracy in the masses and thorough mixing. They prove iron has been formed using a magnet. Demo FALSE

Periodic Table https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m55kgyApYrY Alkali metals with water This video shows the reactions of group 1 (alkaline metals) with water. It starts off by briefly shows the reactions of lithium, sodium and potassium with water. It then goes on to discuss the fact the next two are extremely reactive and not completed within the lab. They are then shown reacting in a bathtub with water. They explain it is the reaction with the hydrogen gas formed that causes the explosion. Demo FALSE

Periodic Table https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLrofyj6a2s Noble gas balloons This video discusses the group 0/8 elements or noble gases. It explains their properties, including their unreactive nature and shows their density in comparison to air by letting the balloons go. Demo FALSE

Periodic Table https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUbjn3ix3ds Group 2 and 1 metals reaction with water This video shows the reactions of group 1 (alkali metals) and group 2 metals (alkaline earth metals) with water. It discusses how they're stored and why, the products made and any signs that a chemical reaction is taking place. Included are magnesium, calcium, lithium, sodium and potassium. Demo FALSE

Periodic Table https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6DaCYKh77E Group 2 reactions This video discusses the reactivity of group 2 metals. It shows they get more reactive as you go down. The reaction with magnesium and steam is shown, explaining that it will not react with cold water. Then the reactions of calcium and strontium is shown. The equations for each of the reactions are included. Demo FALSE

Periodic Table https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW2jRyQ3dzo Group 7 Halogen displacement reactions This video shows the displacement reactions for the group 7 elements iodine, bromine and chlorine with potassium halide (potassium iodide, potassium bromide and potassium chloride) solutions. It shows the colour changes where a reaction occurred due to the halogen being more reactive than the halide in the solution and therefore displacing it. Demo FALSE

Separation techniques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKH-x3kwyxQ Separation of sand and salt This video shows how to carry out the separation of sand and salt (rock salt). It starts by outlining all the equipment required then shows the mixing with water and stirring. Then shows how to set up a filter funnel before filtering the mixture and leaving the salt water solution to evaporate. Keywords residue and filtrate discussed and common error of poking hole in the filter paper. Demo FALSE

Separation techniques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IWy_hdgKJM Distillation of ink and water This video discusses how to separate a mixture of inky water using distillation. It starts by showing the set up of distillation of inky water. They explain that water goes into the condenser at the bottom and out at the top which cools down the steam and condenses it. It shows the solution being heated and bubbling, evaporating into steam then condensing and falling into the second flask. Shows that the water coming out isn't coloured therefore separation has occurred. Demo FALSE

Separation techniques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxrjvLvbY28 Chromatography This video discusses chromatography and how to do it. It shows how to set up the apparatus, including using pencil for the line, pens spotted onto the line and placed into a beaker of water to separate up the paper. Results shown of the inks separated. Demo FALSE

Separation techniques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycqFjqOqpzs Evaporation This video shows the evaporation of copper sulfate solution to form copper sulfate crystals. The solution is heated on a watch glass placed on top of a water bath heated by a Bunsen burner. Demo FALSE


Lock Down Demos & Practical Links
Tags Teaching, Remote learning, Science, Classroom
Type Google Sheet
Published 03/01/2024, 19:23:41


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