Palestine Reading List

Readings lists on Palestine often list the same authors and books. We want to see recommendations for books and journal articles on Palestine written by Palestinian and Arab authors. This collective Google Doc invites people to share titles, and a short blurb regarding the reason for recommending this title if they wish.

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Palestine Reading List

Readings lists on Palestine often list the same authors and books. We want to see recommendations for books and journal articles on Palestine written by Palestinian and Arab authors. This collective Google Doc invites people to share titles, and a short blurb regarding the reason for recommending this title if they wish.

books, reading, history, Palestine

Palestine Reading List

**Please read before submitting**

Readings lists on Palestine often list the same authors and books. We want to see recommendations for books and journal articles on Palestine written by Palestinian and Arab authors. This collective Google Doc invites people to share titles via comments. If you wish, you can include a short blurb telling us why you recommend this title. Feel free to share the link widely.

it is sorted alphabetically by last name. Please include as many details as you can (author, title, date, place of publication, publisher)


Abu Al-Hayat, M. ed., 2021. The Book of Ramallah: a city in short fiction. Manchester: Comma Press.

Abū Sayf, ʻĀṭif ed., 2014. The book of Gaza: a city in short fiction. Manchester: Comma Press.

Abū Sayf, ʻĀṭif, 2015. The drone eats with us a diary of life in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge. Manchester: Comma.

Abu-Sitta, Salman H. Mapping My Return: A Palestinian Memoir. The American University in Cairo bPressHas , 2016.

Abu-Sitta, S.H., 2007. Ṭarīq al-ʻawdah: dalīl al-mudun wa-al-qurá al-muhajjarah wa-al-ḥālīyah wa-al-amākin al-muqaddasah fī Filasṭīn. al-Ṭabʻah al-ūlá ed.

Abu-Sitta, Salman H. Atlas of Palestine, 1917-1966. London: Palestine Land Society, 2010.

Abu-Sitta, S.H., 2017. Mapping my return: a Palestinian memoir.

Abulhawa, S., 2011. Mornings in Jenin. London: Bloomsbury.

Abulhawa, S., 2016. The blue between sky and water. London: Bloomsbury.

Abunimah, A., 2006. One country a bold proposal to end the Israeli-Palestinian impasse. New York: Metropolitan Books.

Abunimah, A., 2014. The battle for justice in Palestine. Chicago, Illinois: Haymarket Books.

Abu_Zahra Nadia and Kay Adah. Unfree in Palestine. Registration, Documentation and Movement Restriction. London. 2013. Pluto Press.

Abdo, Nahla. Captive Revolution: Palestinian Women's Anti-Colonial Struggle Within the Israeli Prison System. London: Pluto, 2014.

Abdo, N. and Masalha, N. eds., 2018. An oral history of the Palestinian Nakba. London, England: Zed Books.

Abdo, Nahla. Women in Israel: Gender, Class and Citizenship. Zed Press- London. 2011.

Abdo, Nahla. Women and the Politics of Military Confrontation: Palestinian and Israeli Gendered Narratives of Dislocation (with Ronit Lentin). London: Berghahn Books. 2002.

ʻAbd al-Hadi, ʻAwni, Mudhakkirat ʻAwni ʻAbd al-Hadi [Memoirs]. Beirut: Markaz Dirasat al-Wahdah al-ʻArabiyah, 2002

Abdelrazaq, Leila, Baddawi, Just World Books, 2015.

Abu-ʽUksa, Wael, Freedom in the Arab World: Concepts and Ideologies in Arabic Thought in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016

Abu El Haj, Nadia, Facts on the Ground: Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society University of Chicago Press 2001

Abu-Laban, Yasmeen and Zureik, Elia (eds), Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine: Population, Territory and Power, London and New York: Routledge: 2011.

Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim (Editor). The Transformation of Palestine: Essays on the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1971.

Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim, Palestinian Rights: Affirmation and Denial, Medina University Press, 1982.

Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim (Editor). 1982. Palestinian Rights: Affirmation and Denial. Medina Univ Pr Intl

Achcar, Gilbert (2011). The Arabs and the Holocaust. London: Saqi Books.

Shafiq al-Hout My Life in the PLO: The Inside Story of the Palestinian Struggle, 2006, Pluto Press

Ageel, Ghada (ed), Apartheid in Palestine: Hard Laws and Harder Experiences, University of Alberta Press, 2016.

Al-Ali, Naji, A Child in Palestine: The Cartoons of Naji Al-Ali, Verso, 2009.

al-Hardan, Anaheed. Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016.

Ali, Taha Muhammad, So What: New and Selected Poems, Cooper Canyon Press, 2008.

al-Madhoun, Raba'i (2013). The Lady from Tel Aviv. London: Saqi Books.

Al-Moubaid, Saleem Arafat. Malameh Al-Shakhsya Al-Falasteinya men Amthaleha Al-Sha’abya (Features of the Palestinian Character as Indicated in the Palestinian Proverbs). General Egyptian Book Organization, 1990. (Arabic)

Amiry, Suad, Golda Slept Here, Bloomsbury USA, 2015.

Amiry, Suad, Nothing To Lose But Your Life: An 18-Hour Journey with Murad, Bloomsbury Qatar, 2010.

Amiry, Suad, Sharon and My Mother-in-Law: Ramallah Diaries, Pantheon, 2005.

Anidjar, G., 2003. The Jew, The Arab. A History of the Enemy, Stanford California: Stanford University Press.

Anidjar, G., 2008. Semites. Race, Religion, Literature, California: Stanford University Press.

Antonius, George, The Arab Awakening: The Story of the Arab National Movement. New York: Capricorn Books, 1965 (1938)

ʽArif al-ʽArif, Al-Mufassal fi Tarikh al-Quds. Jerusalem: Matbaʻat al-Maʻarif , 1961/1999

Ashour, Radwa. The Woman from Tantoura. Translated by Kay Heikkinen. The American University in Cairo P, 2014.


Baconi, Tareq, Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance, Stanford University Press, 2018.

Badr, Liyana, A Balcony the Fakhani, Interlink Publishing Group, 1992.

Barghouti, Mourid, I Saw Ramallah, Anchor Press, 2003.

Barghouti, Mourid, I was Born Here: I was Born There, Walker Publishing Co., 2011.

Barghouti, O., 2011. BDS: Boycott, divestment, sanctions: the global struggle for Palestinian rights. Chicago, Ill: Haymarket Books.

al-Barghuthi, Omar Salih, Al-Marahil [Stages]. Beirut: Dar al-Anwar, 2001.

Benvenisti, Meron. Sacred Landscape: Buried History of the Holy Land since 1948, University of California Press, 2002.

Bishara, A.A., 2013. Back stories: U.S. news production and Palestinian politics. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

Bishara, Rawia, Olives, Lemons & Za'atar: The Best Middle Eastern Home Cooking, Kyle Books, 2014.

Boullata, K., 2009. Palestinian Art: 1850-2005. London: Saqi Books.

Budayrī, M., 2010. The Palestine Communist Party, 1919-1948: Arab & Jew in the struggle for internationalism. Chicago, Ill: Haymarket Books.


Canaan, Tawfiq, The Palestine Arab Cause. Jerusalem: The Modern Press, 1936

Canaan, Tawfiq, Conflict in the Land of Peace. Jerusalem: Syrian Orphanage Press, 1936


Darwaza, Muhammad ‘ʻIzzat, Mudhakkirat Muḥammad ‘ʻIzzat Darwaza [Memoirs]. Beirut: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1992

Deleuze, Gilles, Elias Sanbar and Timothy S. Murphy. “The Indians of Palestine.” Discourses 20, n. 3 (1998): 25-9.

Doumani, Beshara, Rediscovering Palestine: Merchants and Peasants in Jabal Nablus, 1700-1900. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995

Darwish, Mahmoud, Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.

Darwish, Mahmoud, State of Siege, Syracuse University Press, 2010.

Darwish, Mahmoud, Unfortunately, It Was Paradise, University of California Press, 2003.

Darwish, Mahmoud, Why Did You Leave the Horse Alone?, Archipelago, 2012.

Darwish, Najwan, Sleeping in Gaza.

Debbagh, Salma. Out of It. Bloomsbury, 2011.


El-Khalidi, Leila, The Art of Palestinian Embroidery, 1999.

El-Messiri, Abdel Wahab. Fy Al-Khitab wa Al-Mostalah Assahyuni: Derasa Natharya wa Tatbeikiah (Concerning the Zionist Terms and Discourse: A Theoretical and Practical Study). Dar AL-Shorouk, 2003. (Arabic)

Essaid, Aida A. Zionism and Land Tenure in Mandate Palestine. London and New York: Routledge, 2014.


Farsakh, Leila, Palestinian Labour Migration to Israel: Labour, Land and Occupation, New York: Routlege, 2005.

Farsoun, Samih, Christina Zacharia, Palestine and the Palestinians, Westview Press, 1998.

Fawal, Ibrahim, On the Hills of God, NewSouth Books, 2006

Furani, Khaled, Silencing the Sea: Secular Rhythms in Palestinian Poetry. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012


Ghanem, As’ad, Palestinian Politics after Arafat: A Failed National Movement, Indiana University Press, 2010.

Ghanem, As’ad, and Bavly, Dan, Towards a Bi-National Homeland For Israelis and Palestinians: In Search of a Doable Solution – A United Democracy, Lambert Publishing, 2015.

Ghanem, As’ad, The Palestinian-Arab Minority in Israel, 1948-2000, State University of New York Press, 2001.

Ghazy, Randa, Dreaming of Palestine, 2003.


Haddad, Toufic, Palestine Ltd, London: IB Taurus, 2016

Haddad, T. and Honig-Parnass, T. eds., 2007. Between the lines: readings on Israel, the Palestinians, and the U.S. ‘war on terror’. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books : Consortium Book Sales [distributor].

Harb, Zahera and Dina Matar. Narrating Conflict in the Middle East: Discourse, Image and Communications Practices in Lebanon and Palestine. I. B. Tauris, 2013.

Hanieh, A., 2013. Lineages of Revolt: Issues of Contemporary Capitalism in the Middle East. Chicago: Haymarket Books.

Hammad, Isabella The Parisian Grove Press, April 9, 2019.

Hammad, Suheir, Born Palestinian, Born Black: & The Gaza Suite, UpSet Press, 2010

Hammad, Suheir, Zaatar Diva, Rattapalax Press, 2006.

Hasan, Wafaa. “The Politics of Childhood in Deborah Ellis’s Three Wishes: Palestinian and Israeli Children Speak.” Special Issue of Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (CLCWeb). July 2008. V.10. Issue 2. C. Richard King and John Streamas eds. Purdue University Press. 1-9.

Emile Habibi, The Secret Life of Saeed The Pessoptimist

Emile Habibi, The sextet of the six days (Arabic, on the 67 war that saw WB/GS occupied, hilarious/tragic short story collection)

Hatoum, Mona, Mona Hatoum, Distributed Art Pub., 1997.

Hatoum, Mona, Domestic Disturbance, Storey Books, 2001.

Hilal, Jamil, Pappe, Ilan, Across the Wall: Narratives of Israeli-Palestinian History, 2010.

Hilal, Jamil, Where Now for Palestine: The Demise of the Two-State Solution, London: Zed Books, 2007.

Hussein, Cherine, The Re-Emergence of the Single State Solution in Palestine/Israel, London: Routledge, 2015


Ibrahim, Rashid Al-Hajj. Addefa A’n Haifa wa Kadiat Filastin: Mothakkerat Rashid Al-Hajj Ibrahim (Defending Haifa and the Pro

Palestine Reading List
Tags Books, Reading, History, Palestine
Type Google Doc
Published 29/04/2024, 18:08:59
