This is a sheet for UK publishing employees to compare salaries for the sake of transparency. This is a sheet for UK publishing employees to compare salaries for the sake of transparency and change.
This is an independent, anonymous survey not affiliated with any person or organisation. Separately, there is professional work being done on book job transparency here:
If you have any questions or would like to delete your entry, please get in touch:
Timestamp Job Title Employer Location Salary Employment Status Race / Ethnicity Gender Identity Sexual Orientation Years in Pubishing Years of Overall Experience Additional Compensation Additional Information
17/06/2020 10:42:08 Marketing manager Penguin Random House London £36k Full-time White Woman (cisgender) Straight 3 9 Annual bonus
17/06/2020 10:45:51 Early careere coordinator Penguin random house London 23,000 per annum Full-time Black african Woman (cisgender) Bisexual 2 2 Can't remember
17/06/2020 10:51:09 Audience and Digital Development Assistant Penguin random house London £23,000 Full-time British Indian Woman (cisgender) Straight 1 4 1% increase after 7 months in line with the rest of the company I worked in publishing 2016-17. After leaving publishing, I realised a lot of companies have âpay bandsâ which discloses how much different levels can get paid. This is something publishing should push for.
17/06/2020 10:58:25 Publicity Officer Penguin Random House 80 Strand £28,000 Full-time White British Woman (cisgender) Pansexual 3 6 Annual bonus of approx £500, all expenses paid travel and accommodation and food for events/author tours, fully paid iPhone contract This role was my first and only role in publishing - I did not complete any internships (pair or unpaid) or relevant entry level positions, but I had PR and comms experience in another industry prior to joining. I did not receive a promotion or salary increase during my time in my role, despite asking annually.
17/06/2020 11:03:40 Creative art worker Pan Macmillan Publishing London £115 per day Contract British Indian Woman (cisgender) Straight 7 10 0 I was pregnant
Executive (marketing and operations) Penguin random house Central London £21k starting, £27k 5 years later Full-time White British Woman (cisgender) Straight 6 10 Annual performance bonus based on individual and division. Never got more than £700 pre tax and that was the year of the merger with random house. Was told that the annual 'conversation' (because they refuse to call it an appraisal) was not the time to bring up pay and was told if I didn't like it there were hundreds of people ready to jump in to replace me. Successfully negotiated one payrise of £2k but only by sheer determination and insistence that it be reviewed. It took me 2 years.
Project & Brand Exec Large publisher London 31,000 Full-time White Woman (cisgender) Straight 3 12 company performance bonus once a year (equates to about one paycheck). Annual cost of living salary increase (which management often think counts as a "raise"). in my bracket that means a couple extra hundred pounds a month. At my most recent review I was told that I'm "paid well." I've not had a raise since starting three years ago. Performance raises are rare and only happen when someone has been excelling for a "very, very long amount of time" (aka indefinite and non-committal). In my experience, raises only happen with new jobs, either internally or as a competitive offer to something external. Being financially rewarded for doing your job well just doesn't happen often, if ever. In my division, the MD has to approve ALL raises, aka team leaders do not have their own money to allocate as they see fit.
Coordinator (Creative Responsibility) Penguin Random House UK London £25,000 entering in Sept 2016, £29,248.44 exiting in Sept 2019 Full-time White Australian Woman (cisgender) Straight 3 11 Role was a Group function (not based within a Publishing House). Annual bonus was based on overall company performance and you received a % depending on your salary range. Became eligible to receive after 1 year with company. April 2017 - March 2018: £1524 gross. April 2018 - March 2019: £1653.67 gross. When I applied for the role, they were seeking someone at £23k and the recruitment process nearly ended when I declared my salary expectation of £25-30k. I was currently on £30k as a team assistant/PA at Virgin Management Limited (family office of Virgin group). When offered the role, I was offered £25k and this bump was unprompted by me. I started in Sept 2016. I wasn't promoted during 3 years and remained with title of Coordinator. I was the first hire in Creative Responsibility (by the existing Head Of role). By the time I left, our team had grown to 4 members including an Executive (who had been promoted from Assistant) and an Assistant, both junior to me. When the Assistant was hired in Jan 2019 they were on £23k. When I asked for a promotion on the basis that Coordinator title was entry level so therefore I was hired at entry level and should be promoted to reflect my progression, this was denied.
17/06/2020 11:03:55 Corporate responsibility assistant Penguin Random House London 25.5k Full-time Black Caribbean Woman (cisgender) Straight 1 12 Annual bonus Given a 3 grand pay rise when inquiring about promotion. Over qualified for my role but was only given a payrise which is 1.5k more than set salary for entry level employees.
17/06/2020 11:13:29 Press Officer Penguin General / Penguin Random House London £26,600 Full-time White British Woman (cisgender) Queer 4 4 Annual bonus £1,500 (variable)
17/06/2020 11:16:34 Publicity Manager Penguin Random House London 33000 Full-time White British Woman (cisgender) Straight 5 6 0
17/06/2020 11:20:29 Sales Admin Pan Macmillan London 23k Full-time White Woman (cisgender) Bisexual 1 5 Target based bonus spread across whole company Working class upbringing. Entered industry on diversity scheme where I was paid 20k.
17/06/2020 11:22:11 Marketing Executive Penguin Random House London 28,000 Full-time White British Woman (cisgender) Straight 5 15 Annual bonus Joined at £21.5k, raised to £23k in line with all PRH entry level jobs, given two promotions, to £25k Marketing Coordinator then £28k Marketing Executive
17/06/2020 11:31:57 Digital Marketing Assistant Pan Macmillan London 18,000 Full-time Pakistani Man (cisgender) Gay 2 2 N/A Islam
17/06/2020 11:54:59 Editorial Assistant Orion Publishing Group London 23,000 Full-time White Prefer to self-describe Straight 2 3 Annual bonus
17/06/2020 11:55:37 Marketing Manager Penguin Random House London 35,300 Full-time Caucasian Woman (cisgender) Straight 4 4 not including annual bonus Started on 35,000 got a small increase due to annual pay raise - I had already been a manager for over a year at another prominent publishing house on the same salary
17/06/2020 11:57:20 Key Account Manager Bonnier Books London £50,000 Full-time Black British Woman (cisgender) Straight 2 12 Company car, 20% bonus
17/06/2020 11:58:38 Marketing Assistant Harper 23,500 Full-time Black Woman (cisgender) Straight 2 3 N/A
17/06/2020 12:04:33 Agency Assistant The Blair Partnership London £23,000 per annum Full-time White British Woman (cisgender) Straight Less than 1 1 Annual bonus (not in first year) and annual pay review. Some incentive bonuses e.g. bottles of champagne after key projects. My salary was not listed on the job advert, and I noticed that replies to a tweet advertising the job asking for indications of salary were hidden. I didn't find out what the salary was until I was offered the position.
17/06/2020 12:17:35 Campaigns Manager Penguin Random House London 32,000 Full-time White/Irish Woman (cisgender) Bisexual 8 Annual bonus
17/06/2020 12:19:26 Business Analyst Bloomsbury London 42,900 Full-time White Woman (cisgender) Asexual 6 7 N/a I was severely underpaid initially and had to ask several times for a raise
17/06/2020 12:19:41 Please can you address: Please can you address: Please can you address: Please can you address: Please can you address Please can you address: Please can you address: Please can you address: Less than 1 More than 30 Please can you address: Please can you address:
17/06/2020 12:28:11 Digital key account manager Penguin Random House London £32.8k Full-time White British Woman (cisgender) Bisexual 5 8 target based bonus
17/06/2020 12:29:13 Head of Marketing Penguin Random House London 44,000 Full-time White British Woman (cisgender) Straight 15 15 10% bonus (at head of level, 3% at manager level) I lost out on promotion to âHead ofâ 3 years before I was eventually promoted due to getting pregnant. Not officially of course, they covered themselves, but there was no other reason. Informal discussions long after the event confirmed it.
17/06/2020 12:33:04 Senior Marketing Manager Bonnier Books London 36,000 Full-time