Monkeypox Info Sheet
Symptoms, transmission, dungeon protocol, client screening
Harm reduction info for SWs:
CDC info:
SF govt info:
Monkeypox treatment:
TPOXX Patient Access FAQ
Disclaimer: This doc was created by a group of SWers. We have included confirmed info from the CDC and other medical professionals. We are not medical professionals or scientists and we are not qualified to give medical advice.
Quick Overview
Symptoms of monkeypox can include:
* Fever
* Headache
* Muscle aches and backache
* Fatigue/exhaustion
* Swollen lymph nodes (there are 600 throughout the body, but pay especial attention around the carotids, under the jaw line and in the frontal pubic region on the sides of the mons).
* Chills
* A reddened patch, rash, scattered bumps (that can look like pimples, mosquito bites or blisters) that appear on the face, inside the mouth, and on other parts of the body, like the hands, feet, chest, genitals, or anus. Lesions in the rectum can cause rectal bleeding.
A person is contagious once symptoms start (typically beginning with cold, flu or covid like symptoms followed by a rash, scattered bumps or lesions) until lesions are healed, which can take 2-4 weeks.
Touching lesions and touching other parts of your body can spread it to those parts of the body.
Contaminated surfaces can cause infection but it is more likely transmitted from skin to skin contact. To be infected, you need to have prolonged, physical contact, prolonged breathing at close range, or share bedding or clothing with someone who has the virus.
Saliva can be contagious if there are lesions in the mouth.
Contagious through skin to skin, fluids, and respiratory droplets. It is NOT as contagious as Covid.
If you’ve had the smallpox vaccine, it is only effective if you got it within 3 years of exposure to monkeypox. Immunity wanes over time.
Vaccines administered before monkeypox exposure have shown to be 85% effective at protection after waiting period (ACAM2000 28days, JYNNEOSTM 2 weeks after 2nd dose).
Source: Queer Nation & Chicago Department of Public Health
Client Screening Questions
People of any gender identity or sexual orientation can contract monkeypox. It is NOT an STI though sex is a way for transmission. These questions are simply for getting a picture and gauging risk. There will be zero shame or judgment from me regardless of what your answers are. Please be honest in order to keep me, yourself and our community safe. If you answer yes, perhaps now is not the best time to make an appointment with me, but I will be happy to see you once you no longer have symptoms.
* Anytime in the last 2-3 weeks have you:
(2-3 weeks because incubation period is usually 6-13 days, occasionally up to 21 days)
* Been to a bathhouse, a crowded place (bar, club, rave, dance floor etc), dungeon, spa, play party.
* Had physical and/or sexual contact with other sex work providers (escort, domme, massage, etc)?
* Had intimate or sexual contact with anyone and are those people monogamous to you or nonmonogamous?
* Had close contact with children or an individual with children whose has mpx cases in their schools, play groups, etc….
…. And you are now experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever, headache, muscle aches and backache, swollen lymph nodes (there are 600 throughout the body, but pay especial attention around the carotids, under the jaw line and in the frontal pubic region on the sides of the mons), chills, exhaustion, rectal bleeding or pain/discomfort.
* Please examine your body, especially the genital, anal, mouth (inside & out) and hands region thoroughly in bright light. Do you notice a reddened patch, rash, scattered bumps (that can look like pimples, mosquito bites or blisters) in those areas?
Client Screening in Person
* Examine clients for any unusual lesions, rashes or blisters, especially on the face, inside mouth, hands, genital and anal region under bright lighting.
Dungeon Protocol
* Screen clients before arrival (see client screening questions above)
* If you are washing laundry from someone who has monkeypox you need to wear PPE. Shaking out the contaminated laundry can cause infection through inhalation. Set washer and dryer on sanitize mode/high heat and add Oxiclean to wash.
* Always use a towel on surfaces where a naked body makes contact (massage table, spanking bench, cage, couch, kneeling cushion, floor, St. Andrew’s cross, leather sling (leather is porous and cannot be fully sanitized). Use disposable pads over towels for any play that involves bodily fluids.
* Cleaning non-porous surfaces with sani wipes, cavicide, sci-can, 7th generation wipes with thyme oil. Read instructions for any cleaning wipes, there is a minimum contact time in order for it to be effective. Sprays are more effective than wipes as wipe residue often dries up before you reach the time needed to kill the virus.
* Porous surfaces cannot be effectively disinfected. Best course of action is to screen your clients to limit the risk of the virus entering the space. Have them bring their own leather toys or gear if possible. Have clients keep their socks on while in the space. We can get creative with bondage by using plastic wrap, washable materials like neoprene, having clients wear a zentai suit under other gear or restraints that can be thrown in the wash. Use nylon rope that can be machine washed after each client. Wrap plastic wrap around gags so any part of the actual gag is not touching the client.