Emergency press phone catalog (shared)

We are crowdsourcing data about phones that support emergency calls via press of the lock/power button. This can help you in a situation where you need to call emergency services quickly and without looking at the phone.

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Emergency press phone catalog (shared)

We are crowdsourcing data about phones that support emergency calls via press of the lock/power button. This can help you in a situation where you need to call emergency services quickly and without looking at the phone.

emergency, phones, crowdsourcing, sheet, 999, android, ios

Lock button press emergency call phone catalog

A police rewired project: @policerewired and policerewired.org

Share as: https://bit.ly/emer-button

Some phones allow you to press the lock button a few times to activate a call to the emergency services.

We know you can do it on iOS 11+, but on Android it depends on your manufacturer.

Let's build a list of all the phones that support this feature.

How to use this sheet

Help us track which phones have the emergency buttons feature by checking your own phone, and adding details to this sheet.

Take a look in the settings app for your phone, to see if it has the feature.

You may need to search for something like "emergency" or "sos" or "sos texts" or "emergency sos"

It's also helpful to know what phone type you have, what version of Android or iOS you have, and how you found the setting.

Add your answers to the catalog tab of this spreadsheet.

Please share this sheet with friends and colleagues.

Share as: https://bit.ly/emer-button

Code of conduct

Please be respectful of others.

Please don't delete other peoples' entries.

If you need to, add a comment to another person's entry rather than deleting their work.

We may edit down any entries to remove personally identifiable information.

Emergency press phone catalog (shared)
Tags Emergency, Phones, Crowdsourcing, Sheet, 999, Android, Ios
Type Google Sheet
Published 25/04/2024, 16:28:39


Afghanistan Emergency Resource List