Challenger Guide to All Matchups as Tryndamere Top Lane -UPDATED 12/6/2020

Complete matchup guide for Top Lane Tryndamere. The purpose of the spreadsheet is to be a sort of "cheat" sheet for when you are about to go in a game with a match up you may not be familiar with, or that maybe you haven't played against it in a while. I think a big part of Tryndamere is learning all the match ups but if I can help people skip through that tedious process and give them all the ans

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Challenger Guide to All Matchups as Tryndamere Top Lane -UPDATED 12/6/2020

Complete matchup guide for Top Lane Tryndamere. The purpose of the spreadsheet is to be a sort of cheat sheet for when you are about to go in a game with a match up you may not be familiar with, or that maybe you haven't played against it in a while. I think a big part of Tryndamere is learning all the match ups but if I can help people skip through that tedious process and give them all the answers straight up then maybe I can get more people to play him.

games, LoL, League of Legends, Tryndamere, guide

Challenger Guide to All Matchups




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List of Champions


Aatrox Medium Doran's Blade Ignite + Ghost Aatrox matchup is about setting up really good allins to take advantage of our superior sustained damage. Don't leash against this matchup we want to beat him to level 2 and crash the second wave into turret before the third one comes up. We also can trade hard level 1 with just a little bit of fury, try to avoid his 3rd q damage. Aatrox has really good trades and healing but if we can kill him in a single all in that is how we win. Try to set up your minion wave so that you are closer to your turret so you have plenty of room to allin the Aatrox, if Aatrox is close by his turret he can take short trades and disengage to his turret easily. Look for opportunities to burn Aatrox flash with ur ignite + ghost and even if you don't kill him, use the 90 second window where your ghost and ignite are back up to kill him while his flash is down. When going all in vs aatrox its extremely important that you look to dodge his W or if u don't dodge it immediately sidestep out of it, ways you can dodge is either side stepping or spinning onto him and ghosting thru him making it hard for him to hit you. If he lands his w, quickly get out then go back on him, if you have your spin up still when he hits w you can spin through it fully in time to stay on the allin. 1/23/2024

Ahri Hard Dorans shield. Lethal + resolve (tenacity, unflinching, second wind) Ghost + Flash Ahri has strong poke and her E will stop your spin if you try to spin on her. If you dodge her charm pre-6 you can look to trade. If you are looking to trade with her charm up look to dodge it. It is really important when laning vs ahri that you try to fight and beat her pre-6, otherwise you will be on the back foot for most of laning. Her poke is often too much to deal with even with your massive sustain. Dueling Ahri in mid-late game while her ult is up is next to impossible unless she is really far behind. An item you can build to counter ahri in the mid-late game is Maw of Malmortius. Using this item costs you DPS but can prevent you from being oneshot by her forcing her to use more of her mobility to deal damage to you. Often times with Maw you can spin on her and look to force her ult, then back off without using your own ult then you will have pressure for about a minute.

Akali Hard Doran's Shield Ghost + Flash 10% attack speed, Adaptive Force, Flat health, Second wind revitalize Look for opportunities for big trades level one because when Akali hits level 3 she has multiple ways of kiting you out (or going invisible). When trading, look to avoid akali's E (her shuriken flip) so if you spin in make sure to juke sideways after getting your one auto off. When akali hits 6 be careful as she can straight up one shot you if you are too far in lane. Try to get the wave on your side and farm it out until you get some more levels post 6 laning phase. The key to winning against an akali at this point is to make her commit for you after using her defensive cooldowns where you have time to fight back. If you need to be able to fight Akali solo in the mid game build Maw of Malmortius, it will prevent her from one shotting you with her combo forcing her to commit harder to you which should give you more time to get damage back on her and potentially kill. If you can't fight akali on the split, split opposite side of her and look to shove and force her to match, then outrotate. 1/24/2024

Akshan Medium Doran's Shield Ghost + Flash Be careful level one vs Akshan since he has very strong damage (most take ignite as well) Tryndamere has kill pressure after a few levels so try not to get completely poked out of lane. Once you have a few levels (usually around level 4) you can look for allins vs Akshan. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU STAY RIGHT ON TOP OF HIM!!!! If he gets any seperation from you he can use his swing to get away. If you are right on top of him, he cannot. Using ghost to stay directly on top of him helps a lot to prevent his heroic swing. Rush tier 2 boots in this matchup (usually berserkers) so you can stay on top of him better. Watch how I play vs Bjerg in this video In late game teamfights, if you plan on flanking you MUST kill him first. If you kill his whole team and get a quadra kill and he kills you, he will just revive his whole team. 1/23/2024

Alistar INTeresting Long Sword 3 potions start. Lethal + resolve (tenacity, unflinching, second wind) Ghost + Flash If you are actually against an Alistar top, your sustain advantage with this setup is very beneficial. Alistar doesn't have the mana pool or sustain to take short trades against you and he also cannot all in. Be very careful of being pulverized into a headbutt into turret if your wave is close to his turret. Something you can do is push in the lane and roam mid or help your jungler invade, Alistar will have a hard time farming under turret and will unlikely be able to help.

Amumu Easy Long Sword 3 potions start. Lethal + resolve (tenacity, unflinching, second wind) Ghost + Flash Amumu is weak in the top lane especially early. You can force all in trades even from level 1 with little fury with the lethal tempo activation. The one thing you have to be careful of in this matchup is that Amumu's e (his tantrum) gets the cooldown reset by 1 second for every auto he takes (even from minions!) so if he fights you in your creep wave, he can get multiple tantrums off in an all in. Besides that, look to crush him early and if he is the one responding to your splitpush later in the game and you think he is too tanky to dive, he is a very immobile champion so you can outrotate him on the split push.

Anivia Medium Dorans shield start. Lethal + resolve (tenacity, unflinching, second wind) Ghost + Flash Anivia is a very annoying champion to lane against. It is really hard to force an all in on her because of her crowd control with her Q, her wall, and her ultimate. The way to beat anivia is by punishing her with your health sustain, getting perfect farm, pushing anivia in forcing her to use mana. There can be spots to all in an anivia, but first you must get some good short trades into her where you force resources out of her. A good time to trade in this matchup is if she uses her q to farm and she is far up in lane where you can punish the Q cooldown. WARNING! Do not get baited by her egg, her egg is a 4 minute cooldown. If you are forced to split against Anivia and you aren't in a position to dive/force trades against her, then shove the wave into her and outrotate her. Anivia is a very immobile champion and won't be able to easily follow your rotation. Galeforce can be a good crit mythic option in this matchup to help you stick.

Annie Medium Dorans shield. Lethal + resolve (tenacity, unflinching, second wind) Ghost + Flash To win against annie top, you need to look to farm taking as little damage as possible. Use your sustain from the runes setup to help you get through her early poke. Annie has VERY weak base stats so if she doesn't poke you hard enough and you have a good amount of HP/Fury to trade with (assuming she doesnt have an enormous wave) then you look to do a heavy trade/allin against her. Later in the game, you do outscale Annie in a 1v1 situation however, be very careful with her burst and make sure to not miss your ultimate. If the enemy team has multiple forms of crowd control besides Annie feel free to build merc treads. Otherwise situationally if winning the game is reliant on you 1v1ing Annie, then buy qss to guarantee your all in. Late in the game (after atleast crit mythic + navori) if annie is the one looking to stop your split push, you can build hullbreaker to counter her burst and to breach her turrets more easily. Otherwise just build as normal if you don't need it as hullbreaker makes you sacrifice a lot of damage.

Aphelios Easy Dorans shield. Lethal + resolve (tenacity, unflinching, second wind) Ghost + Flash Yeah gonna be honest here, aphelios gonna be shooting his guns and shit. If his gun be purple he gonna root, if he gun sniper and shit he shoot real far, if he gun be red he go real fast and heal up, if he gun go white he bang bang. Just get 6, ghost and kill the motherfker. Ok but for real, as ranged vs melee hes gonna poke you so you can sit back and sustain up until you hit around level 3 or 4, then you can look for allins when the wave is shoved.

Ashe INTeresting Dorans shield. Lethal + resolve (tenacity, unflinching, second wind) Ghost + Flash If you are playing against Ashe top, be very careful with early game. Ashe good range and good poke and decent kiting with her passive that slows you. Once you get 6 however, she cannot stop your allin agains

Challenger Guide to All Matchups as Tryndamere Top Lane -UPDATED 12/6/2020
Tags Games, LoL, League of Legends, Tryndamere, Guide
Type Google Sheet
Published 05/05/2024, 04:23:48


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