WoW Heirloom Enchants
Created by Graveheist
WoW patch 8.1.5
This guide is meant as an easy reference for a quick and affordable power-boost to your leveling. Please note that this guide is not intended to min-max your leveling toons; this would require paying close attention to the scaling of certain enchants to re-enchant at specific level cutoffs.
Tips & Tricks
Patch 8.1.5 decreases the cost of heirloom upgrades, and additionally adds upgrades to scale heirlooms to level 120! It’s now much more feasible to fully upgrade heirlooms -- however, this means you’ll need a character between level 80 and 100 to apply the shoulder and leg enchants suggested in this guide; they can be applied to armor no higher than ilvl 136. The previous recommendation was to keep heirlooms at upgrade level 2/3, which is a viable alternative if you’re short on gold or don’t have a character in the correct range.
This guide is set up assuming tanks will be doing PvE questing in between running dungeons; with that in mind, most enchants are geared toward DPS instead of survivability. If you feel too squishy or want the peace of mind of maxing your survivability, use the suggested alternative enchants (and Mending on your weapon).
The checkboxes can be used to track which enchants you've already gathered for a spec -- useful when you're shopping at the AH or alt-hopping to collect them all! To use the checkboxes, click File > Make a copy... and save to your own Google Drive for editing.
Why are there no BfA enchants listed? BfA enchants scale poorly for old content, either equivalent or worse to enchants from earlier expansions. Because of this, and because BfA enchants are often much more expensive than their old counterparts, means it's better to use Legion or earlier enchantments.
Why isn't Mastery included in this guide? Mastery doesn't take effect until level 80. It's the best secondary stat for some specs at max level, but while leveling it's much easier and cheaper to simply enchant for your second-best stat.
Where's the tab for Demon Hunters? Demon Hunters are not included in this guide because they begin at level 100, and leveling through Legion is so fast I often don't use heirlooms. Both Havoc and Vengeance are Haste/Versatility, so you could follow the guide for Assassination Rogue or Windwalker Monk.
Why do you recommend Jade Spirit over Windsong for healers? This decision was rather arbitrary, as ultimately I think they're pretty much equivalent. From the research I did they have the same RPPM of 2, and while Windsong gives less secondary stat than Jade Spirit gives INT, Windsong has the potential to give you or three buffs at the same time (the stat chosen is random). Since main stat is the best for nearly every class, I recommend Jade Spirit. All that being said, both these enchants stop scaling at level 90, while the WoD enchantments give a giant chunk of secondary stat and scale to 100, so depending on price you might want to use the WoD version.
Why do you recommend Lord Blastington's Scope of Doom over Incendiary Ammunition for Hunters? I did some very basic testing on a target dummy with with my low-level Hunter to see if either one was significantly better than the other. The answer seemed to be no; while IA gives the occasional extremely high burst damage (awesome for PvP), Lord Blastington's has a MUCH higher proc chance and uptime (sometimes proccing back-to-back). For general PvE questing/dungeons I feel like Lord Blastington's gives better returns, but it's really a matter of personal choice.
Why do you recommend Elemental Force over Crusader for STR classes? Again, I did some very basic testing with a target dummy on a level 20 Warrior, then again with a level 90 Warrior. At 20, Elemental Force gave fairly steady damage while Crusader gave spiky periods of higher damage interspered between periods of much lower. However, Crusader did proc quite frequently, allowing for random periods of timed burst damage (good if you want practice popping cooldowns). However, at level 90 Crusader still procced but gave a 0STR buff, as it stops scaling up at level 60 and rapidly tapers off afterward. Furthermore, Elemental Force was (at least on my realm) significantly cheaper on the AH than Crusader, likely due to a glut of Legion mats. Ultimately it once more comes down to personal choice, but with Elemental Force you won't have to re-enchant shortly after level 60.
queuebitt's WoW Heirloom Enchants
JBURTONSEMO'S Leveling Enchants
WoWhead Class Guides
IcyVeins Class Guides
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