AWS Serverless Cost Calculator

A cost calculator for your web application using Lambda, Cognito, S3, SQS, DynamoDb and other resources. Make your own copy and input your data to get customized results.

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AWS Serverless Cost Calculator

A cost calculator for your web application using Lambda, Cognito, S3, SQS, DynamoDb and other resources. Make your own copy and input your data to get customized results.

AWS, programming, server, back-end, infrastructure, cost calculator

AWS Serverless Cost Calculator

Use case: a web application

Serverless architecture out-of-the-box: auto-scalable by design - up to date, distributed, async & secured systems - user & auth mgt - data & file storage - real-time updates - monitoring - workflow mgt

Presentation article: Architecture source:

Variables Result

Select below a pre-defined type of application for general cost estimation eu-west-1

Traffic High Cost / Month Pre-defined Custom

Type Ecommerce Total $1,693.2 $92.4

Cost / Session $0.001366 $0.000085

Or play around with custom fields for a refined estimation

User Variables Pre-defined Custom Detail per AWS service

# of Sessions / Day 40,000 35,000 API G. REST $147.6 $7.6

# of Sessions / User / Month 5.00 150.00 API G. WS $17.7 $0.0

% of Authenticated Users 30.00% 100.00% Lambda $199.1 $0.8

# of Loaded Assets (Image, Video, Files) / Session 100.00 10.00 DynamoDB $54.8 $6.7

# of Uploaded Files / Session 0.10 1.00 Cognito $134.2 $0.0

Average Size of Uploaded Files (MB) 0.00 1.00 EventBridge $9.9 $2.2

# of Pages Visited / Session 30.00 1.00 CloudFront $762.3 $63.6

# of Saved User Actions (ex: comment an article) / Session 4.00 1.00 S3 $0.7 $10.3 Owner: Xavier Lefèvre

# of Complex Workflows (ex: e-commerce funnel) / Session 1.00 0.00 SQS $0.0 $0.0 Twitter: @xavi_lefevre

CloudWatch $57.2 $1.2

These are technical variables, trust us if you don't know much about serverless Step Functions $309.9 $0.0

Architecture Variables Pre-defined Custom

API Reads # of Lambdas Triggered / Pages Visited 1 1

# of DB Items Read / Pages Visited 1 1

API Writes # of Lambdas Triggered / Saved Actions 3 1 Legend

# of DB Items Written / Saved Actions 1 1 Pre-defined scenarios, when selecting dropdowns

Workflows # of Lambda Steps / Workflow 5 5

# of DB Items Written / Workflow 2 2 Custom scenario, when directly replacing variables

# of DB Items Read / Workflow 2 2

Realtime # of WebSocket Messages / Minute / Session 1 1 Modifiable cells

# of Minutes / Session 10 0

# of DB Items Read / Message 1 1

⚠️ High traffics have discounted prices not taken into account in this calculator

⚠️ Data transfer between regions are not taken into account

AWS Serverless Cost Calculator
Tags AWS, Programming, Server, Back-end, Infrastructure, Cost calculator
Type Google Sheet
Published 25/04/2024, 01:43:24


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