Go back to the Main Index Page for the AATIP Media Timeline 2017-2020: https://omnitalkradio.weebly.com/pentagon-ufo-study-media.html Green Color (important items) / Yellow Color (Lue Elizondo's and Chris Mellon's interviews/statements/tweets) SELECT the TABS on the BOTTOM for years 2021 or 2022!!!
Date: Item Type: Outlet: Title: Link: Companion Media:
Date: Item Type: Outlet: Title: Link:
2021-01-01 Twitter Project Unity Project Unity on the alleged UAP Task Force Member https://twitter.com/TheProjectUnity/status/1345031145130438656
2020-01-01 Article Adam Kehoe What Does Russia Know? Translation and Analysis of a Soviet UFOlogist's Study of Naval Incidents https://blog.adamkehoe.com/azhazha-book-analysis/
2021-01-03 Video The Black Vault Luis Elizondo and John Greenewald, Jr. -- 1 on 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3LBTGVIAZs
Companion Media -> 2021-01-03 Article UAP Blog My Experience With The Elizondo-Greenwald Saga https://uapblog.com/2021/01/03/my-experience-with-the-elizondo-greenwald-saga-3/
2021-01-03 Article Herald Tribune From the shadows into the light – the man who broke the UFO embargo grew up in Sarasota - by Billy Cox https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2021/01/03/riverview-high-school-grad-luis-elizondo-forces-ufos-into-mainstream/4064093001/
2021-01-03 Article Bryce Zabel 2021 May Confirm UFO/UAP Reality https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/look-for-2021-to-confirm-ufo-uap-reality-b40fbf256fc9
2021-01-04 Video Fox News Tucker Carlson Tonight: 180-Day Countdown to UFO Disclosures-Interview with Nick Pope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htTXbTQkc1Q
Companion Media -> 2021-01-05 Article The Wrap Tucker Carlson Is Annoyed He Has to Wait for the COVID Bill’s UFO Report https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-is-annoyed-he-has-to-wait-for-the-covid-bills-ufo-report-video/
2021-01-04 Article Republic World Harvard Professor Claims 'aliens' Visited Earth In 2017, Believes More Is On Its Way (Navy UFO Videos referenced) https://www.republicworld.com/technology-news/science/harvard-professor-claims-aliens-visited-earth-in-2017-believes-more-is-on-its-way.html
2021-01-04 Audio DR Radio Former US soldier tells of seeing the UFO FLIR (Interview with Gary Voorhis) https://www.dr.dk/radio/special-radio/flyvende-tallerken/flyvende-tallerken-7
2021-01-05 Article Inquisitr Donald Trump Wants To ‘Declassify Everything,’ Commentator Says https://www.inquisitr.com/6438382/donald-trump-declassify-everything/
Companion Media -> 2021-01-04 Twitter Jack Posobiec POTUS and UFO Declassification https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1346238267625263107
2021-01-06 Question What Do They Know Considering the latest news from the US does the MOD maintain that they have no UFO/UAP program? https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/considering_the_latest_news_from
2021-01-07 Video RAI:L'Italia con Voi Interview with Roberto Pinotti (Navy UFO Incidents referenced) https://www.raiplay.it/video/2021/07/L-Italia-con-voi---Puntata-del-01072021-d79c1b98-0bc7-4c0e-8cf0-9a97066caeca.html
Clipping https://www.bitchute.com/video/4FnTkEeQkXE4/
2021-01-09 Twitter Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson on UFOs https://twitter.com/neiltyson/status/1347936281704148997
2021-01-11 Audio DR Radio Danish UFO witness appears (Dane) (UAP Task Force and Navy UFO Incidents referenced) https://www.dr.dk/radio/special-radio/flyvende-tallerken/flyvende-tallerken-16
2021-01-13 Article The Debrief Shocking Documents Show Government Paid Millions To Chase Ufos And Werewolves https://thedebrief.org/defense-intelligence-agency-paid-22-million-to-chase-ufos-and-werewolves/
2021-01-13 Audio 77 Wabc The Midnight Files with Frank Morano: Interview with Nick Pope https://wabcradio.com/episode/the-midnight-files-nick-pope-1-13-21/
2021-01-14 Audio ABC News Radio UFO documents released by U.S. Central Intelligence Agency - Interview with Nick Pope (UAP Task Force referenced) https://www.abc.net.au/radio/newsradio/ufo-documents-released-by-u.s.-central/13059096
2021-01-14 Video+Article Mystery Wire Deadline Looms for Pentagon UFO Report https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/uaptf-update/
Youtube Version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmyHTfb7Vn0
2021-01-15 Announcement TTSA TTSA 2021 and Beyond https://home.tothestarsacademy.com/c-15-lightbox.html
2021-01-16 Video The Joe Rogan Experience #1596 - Interview with Avi Loeb (NYT article and Nimitz incident referenced from 86:30, 103:56 and 125:10 minute mark) https://open.spotify.com/episode/0y7Vfzeua0TyLSAq3CUktH
Companion Media -> 2021-02-01 Article Daily Grail Dr. Avi Loeb and the Scientific Study of UFOs https://www.dailygrail.com/2021/02/dr-avi-loeb-and-the-scientific-study-of-ufos/
2021-01-16 Audio+Article Radio New Zealand Are aliens walking among us? (Chris Impey, professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona, discusses UFOs) https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/the-weekend/audio/2018780003/are-aliens-walking-among-us
2021-01-18 Audio DR Radio Interview with UFO-journalist Leslie Kean from The New York Times https://www.dr.dk/radio/special-radio/flyvende-tallerken/flyvende-tallerken-10
2021-01-18 Video Somewhere in the Skies Luis Elizondo & Sean Cahill: The Next Chapter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1UkK6lANE4
2021-01-18 Twitter @defis_eu DG DEFIS on UFOs https://twitter.com/defis_eu/status/1351137918799241218
2021-01-19 Post Facebook Status Quo - by Roger Glassel https://www.facebook.com/groups/ufoupdates/permalink/10157410972291790/
2021-01-20 - 2021-02-05 Articles+Videos Mystery Wire Is there life after death? Businessman offers near-million dollar prize to find out (George Knapp's new series of interviews with Robert Bigelow) https://www.mysterywire.com/mysteries/bigelow-institute-for-consciousness-studies-bics/
Youtube Version Part 0: Mystery Wire: Bigelow cash prize to find evidence of an afterlife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzu65kT76OM
Mystery Wire Part 1a, 2, 3: Is there life after death? Businessman offers near-million dollar prize to find out https://www.mysterywire.com/mysteries/bigelow-institute-for-consciousness-studies-bics/
Mystery Wire Part 1b: Is there an afterlife? Robert Bigelow searches for answers https://www.mysterywire.com/video/is-there-an-afterlife-robert-bigelow-searches-for-answers/6219483/
Youtube Version Part 1: I-Team: Is there an afterlife? Bigelow talks the search for answers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdNPuhfrYDc
Youtube Version Part 2: Robert Bigelow - Origins of the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a0I50v11Bg
Youtube Version Part 3: Robert Bigelow - BICS Consciousness Contest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nPWCtC9mZY
Mystery Wire Part 4, 5, 6: Skinwalker Ranch, UFOs, and life after death discussed in exclusive interview with Robert Bigelow https://www.mysterywire.com/mysteries/bics/
Youtube Version Part 4: Robert Bigelow - UFOs and Consciousness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f-IdvlMvpI
Youtube Version Part 5: Robert Bigelow - NIDS and financing research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoA9OdQ9z40
Youtube Version Part 6: Robert Bigelow - Skinwalker Ranch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIrYJNevdVo
Mystery Wire Part 7: Robert Bigelow Opens up about AAWSAP, the Tic Tac incident, weird events on Skinwalker Ranch, the connection to consciousness https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/robert-bigelow-aawsap/
Youtube Version Part 7: Robert Bigelow - AAWSAP, the Tic Tac incident, Weird events on Skinwalker Ranch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUtrRM9QTGk
Mystery Wire Part 8: Robert Bigelow clears the air about Bob Lazar https://www.mysterywire.com/area-51/bigelow-lazar/
Youtube Version Part 8: Robert Bigelow - Thoughts on Bob Lazar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOGHrxysBKI
Mystery Wire Part 9: Bigelow says aliens “right under people’s noses” https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/bigelow-says-aliens-right-under-peoples-noses/
Youtube Version Part 9: Robert Bigelow - Explaining saying aliens are "right under people's noses" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OLXj88FCZw
Mystery Wire: Merged Part 1 and Part 2: Robert Bigelow’s exclusive Mystery Wire interview https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/robert-bigelow-interview/
Youtube Version Merged Part 1: Robert Bigelow Interview with George Knapp - Part 1 - Feb. 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn3o7uC8yq4
Youtube Version Merged Part 1: Robert Bigelow Interview with George Knapp - Part 1 - Feb. 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sv66dG6Ldc
Mystery Wire Part 10: Consciousness Contest Update - Robert Bigelow and Colm Kelleher - A Mystery Wire Interview - Overwhelming response to BICS life after death contest https://www.mysterywire.com/mysteries/overwhelming-response-to-bics-life-after-death-contest/
Youtube Part 10: Consciousness Contest Update - Robert Bigelow and Colm Kelleher - A Mystery Wire Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L42hjxGY8dw
Companion Media -> 2021-01-21 Article New York Times Can Robert Bigelow (and the Rest of Us) Survive Death? - by Ralph Blumenthal (AATIP referenced) https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/21/style/robert-bigelow-UFOs-life-after-death.html
2021-01-24 Article Newsweek Businessman Offering $1 Million to Anyone Who Can Answer: Is There Life After Death? https://www.newsweek.com/businessman-offers-1-million-answers-about-afterlife-1563964
2021-01-24 Audio Coast to Coast AM Searching for the Afterlife - Robert Bigelow https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2021-01-24-show/
2021-01-25 Twitter Luis Elizondo Luis Elizondo comments UAPTF and Robert Bigelow https://twitter.com/LueElizondo/status/1353851311708508161