How To Play With A Yuumi!

Yuumiguide for temmates

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How To Play With A Yuumi!

Yuumiguide for temmates


Hello and welcome to my presentation on how to play with a Yuumi.

“I am a Challenger Rank 1 Yuumi main- trust me.”

Read this in champ select or in loading

Screen ask questions after I want to win plz. owo

My ADC, please read slides 3-6, Other Laners please read only slide 2.


I can’t roam, if the support roams I can’t contest, I’m Yuumi, I can’t buy boots, and I get gang banged by every single jungler in the game.

On a side note, please choose a frontliner, Top or Jungle, please, just because im on the team doesn’t mean we can lock in 4 adcs.


Heya, I’m really nice and don’t like to flame, but I need you to understand from this Slides presentation how my champ works so please read this and every other slide preceding this, thanks you in advance AYAYA.


Please understand that my E has a long cooldown early don’t take fights when I’m low on mana plz, and when I ping to go in it’s because i’m sure that you won’t die <3.


My E does give movespeed, but it’s not worth using it just for that most of the time because of the cd and mana cost. So please don’t spam ping it after losing a chase vs Ezreal or something :(


My passive is what gives you healing NOT MY E, I need time to proc it so be patient!

Other smaller things...

My Q has a small slow and it’s pretty kawaii. But aside from that doesn't do much, and does less damage the less health an enemy has (and more the more health an enemy currently has.) So it’s essentially a poke tool.

My W has a CD (when attaching) so I might snuggle you a bit ( ) when low on health because I might not have my W cd ready for when i jump off. W also goes on cooldown when CC’d, please, remember that!

My R has a long cd, please press tab to see if it’s up when you engage <3.

It no longer roots, remember!

Thank you for reading let’s get this win!


How To Play With A Yuumi!
Tags Bruh
Type Google Slide
Published 15/04/2024, 19:07:56