Fake News Identifier Filter Disclaimer: This is just brainstorming. Draw no conclusions.
(Any score over 5 is probably fake news)
Trump says Havana Syndrome Allegations
Scott Adams Filter drink bleach Secret Sonic against
(work in progress) (Maximum is 10) for COVID19 Weapon Matt Gaetz
Is the source anonymous? 9 9
Is the source a disgruntled current or ex-employee? 5
Is only one of CNN and FOXNews confirming the facts? 9 9
Is it too "on the nose" perfect to be real? 7 7
Is a correlation being treated as causation? 6
Is it still the "fog of war" phase? 8
Is it too "Man bites dog" unbelievable to be true? 8 8 8
Is it only covered by lesser-known news sites? 9
Does the journalist have a grudge against the subject? 5 5 5
Are you still waiting to hear the other side of the story? 7
Does the story give a percentage without the raw numbers? 3
Does the story give raw numbers without percentage context? 3
Does the story's source have ties to relevant industries 3 3
Is the story's source a serial debunker selling a book? 5
Is the story's source politically active? 4 4 4
Is the primary evidence a video? 5 5
Is there an ordinary explanation that is far more common? 8 8 8
Total 104 41 16 26 0 0
Conclusion Super Fake Probably Fake Probably Fake 0% 0%